Battle Ships
two player board game for Commodore 64, 1987

The cold morning air chills your bones as you, the admiral of your
country's naval forces, look out from the bridge into the dense blanket
of fog lying on the ocean's surface. "Where are they?" you ask yourself
with the sudden realisation that you alone must seek and destroy
the enemy fleet before they find yours.
Have you got the nerve to face the ultimate naval challenge
and bring victory home to your country?
On loading you are presented with a menu of options.
Selection of these is either by pressing the relevant key or moving
the cursor to the correct option and pressing fire.
Your cursor is controlled by a joystick in port 2.
1) A 1 player game against the computer.
2) A 2 player game with a friend.
3) A multiplayer tournament between two or more players.
Two play at any time; the winner can then take on a challenger
and by repeated wins against "all comers" can build up a high score.
4) Salvo-fire gives you 4 shots per ship remaining.
On starting the game you will be asked to set the positions of your ships
on the map grid. If you are playing against a human opponent, make sure your
moves are made secretly. Move the cursor over the graphic of a ship
around around the map. Press fire again to set the ship's position.
Ships may be rotated by selecting the Rotate icon ON and pressing fire over
the relevant ship. Move left and right to rotate, then press FIRE to set.
When all ships have been positioned and rotated to your satisfaction,
move the cursor over END icon and press FIRE. Your opponent must now
position his ships, in complete secrecy of course! Now the game commences
proper with each player asked in turn to shoot at the grid and
pressing FIRE to select a target. Be careful not to waste shots on already
destroyed targets or definite misses!
If you position a target incorrectly you can delete it by moving the sight
over the incorrect target and pressing FIRE once more. On selection
of the last target the screen will flip to a graphic representation of the
fleet at sea. Missiles will be fired from your ship as aircraft
fly overhead, and the progressive destruction of your enemy will be shown.
Enter battle with caution and strategy, Admiral!
What fate awaits you - the glory and honour of a victory sail past,
or the complete annihilation of your fleet!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)