Blockheads 4K
arcade platform game for Commodore 64, 2020

Blockheads is a tough platform game.
5 single player levels, 5 two player levels.
Split screen two player mode.
Joystick (port 2) required, two joysticks are needed for the two player mode.
Left - Move Blockhead left / change menu option.
Right - Move Blockhead right / change menu option.
Fire - Jump / next menu / start game.
Blockheads can jump off walls as many times as they like, essential for
getting around the levels. To do this you must be pressing the joystick
towards the wall and pressing fire.
Up/Down - select menu option.
Restore - return to main menu.
One player game
The aim of the game is to reach the square exit on your chosen level in the
quickest possible time. Your best time for the selected level and difficulty
combination is displayed in the bottom left of the level select screen. Note
down your times somewhere as they will be lost when you turn off your
There are three difficulty modes for each course:
CASUAL - There are no spikes in this mode so you can't die. You must collect
all three keys in the level before the exit is accessible.
NORMAL - Deadly spikes cover the level however there are no keys to collect.
CRAZED - This mode contains both the spikes and the keys required to open the
Two player game
The aim is to beat your opponent to the exit. A running score is displayed on
the level select screen so play each other for as long as you like
(e.g. playing first player to five). Use the restore key to return to the
title screen and reset the score tally.
The two player game features the same three difficulty choices as the one
player game.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)