Congo Bongo
arcade game for Commodore 64, 1983

Use Control Port 2.
You begin each screen of play level #1 with 5000 points. The
number of bonus points steadily decreased by 100 points until you
reach zero and have run out of time. As you advance play levels
the beginning number of bonus points is higher:
Play level 2 6000 points
Play level 3 7000 points
Play level 4 8000 points
Play level 5 or more 9000 points
Each step taken 10 points
Jumping onto a hippo, fish or a lily pad 100 points
Jumping across chasm 500 points
When you earn 10,000 points you receive an additional life.
1. At the beginning of the first screen there are some safe spots
on the far left where you can avoid coconuts.
2. To cross the bridge notice that the coconuts come in waves.
3. On monkey plateau there are a few safe spots near the rivers
Congo-Bongo consists of two separate jungle scenes. Above the
jungle scenes you see player scores and to the right of each
score is the number of lives that player has left indicated by
small hunters. In the middle a number indicates which players
turn it is. The bonus points and the play level are at the
upper right corner of the screen.
Screen #1
The first screen takes you to jungle mountain. Here you try
to reach Congo at the top of his perch. You must climb up the
mountain while avoiding the coconuts falling from the top of
Congo's perch. You lose one of your three lives each time you:
1. Get hit by a coconut.
2. Fall into the water.
3. Fall off a ledge.
4. Bonus time runs out.
When you jump across the chasm the cliff falls and you can't jump
You then climb to monkey plateau. At the first level of play
no monkeys jump on you. At the second level one monkey can jump
on you, preventing you from going further. After the second
level of play two monkeys can jump on you. From the fourth
level if two monkeys are on you and a third collides with you
they'll throw you over the cliff. To get monkeys off your back
jump three times without changing directions.
After you cross the river avoiding the coconuts you will
reach Congo's perch then automatically move to the next screen.
Screen #2
Now you've reached the great river. Try to cross the lagoon
on lily pads by jumping on islands, hippos and fishes and once
you've crossed watch out for charging rhinos on the other side.
Just as in screen #1, the jungle dangers increase as the play
levels advance.
1. The lily pads shrink each round.
2. At the first and second levels the fish wont open their
mouths to snap at you. At levels three and four only the two
fish on the far right open their mouths. From the fifth
play level up all four fish open their mouths to snap at
you. When you are on a fish that snaps you lose one life.
The fish will warn you before they snap by changing their
color to yellow.
When you reach the other side of the river you have to watch
for raging rhinos. When you reach the sleeping Congo you get
to give him the hot foot he deserves. After a brief pause to
enjoy your victory you automatically find yourself back at
screen #1 but at the next, more difficult play level. On
screen #2 you lose a life each time you:
1. Fall off a shrinking lily pad
2. Get eaten by a fish
3. Fall off a fish
4. Get hit by a raging rhino
5. Time runs out
6. Falling off an island
7. Falling off a hippo
Good Luck!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)