Dr. Maria
tetris clone for Commodore 64, 2023

Experimental viruses have mutated and are trying to escape from the research
lab. Help Doctor Maria use her pills to destroy all the viruses before they
Dr. Maria destroys viruses by throwing colored pills into the bottle. As the
pill drops you can rotate them. Match four of the same color vertically or
horizontally to clear them. When all of the viruses in a bottle are cleared,
you progress to the next level.
If the bottle gets filled all the way to the top, the game is over. Viruses
can be Blue, Yellow or Red. Due to production issues at the Lab, pills are
allocated randomly to Dr Maria. There are six types of pills each consisting
of two colors:
Blue Blue
Red Red
Yellow Yellow
Blue Yellow
Red Blue
Yellow Red
Use Joystick in Port #2
* Fire: Rotates pill to the right (clockwise).
* Up / Second Button: Rotates pill to the left (counter clockwise).
* Left: Moves pill left.
* Right: Moves pill right.
* Down: Speed up pill descent.
* 'P': Pause the Game
* 'Q': Quit to main menu
Points are awarded when you destroy a virus. Points depends on the Speed
setting and the number of viruses destroyed.
Destroyed Viruses LOW MED HI
1 100 200 300
2 300 600 900
3 700 1400 2100
4 1500 3000 4500
5 3100 6200 9300
6 6300 12600 18900
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)