Fort Apocalypse
helicopter shoot'em up for Commodore 64, 1982

Use Control Port 2.
The Kralthans and their dreaded Fort Apocalypse must be destroyed
before they destroy you!
Your mission begins at your fuel depot. After refueling your Copter
you must fly to the portals of the Draconis caves and bomb through the
access doors. After blowing an entrance the first level of defense you
maneuver through the caves blasting through impact shields, into the
Hyper-Chambers and subterranean elevators. You must rescue eight
prisoners from the Draconis level.
After completing the Draconis level you descend into the Crystalline
Caves. You must rescue an additional eight men, various locations in
the Crystalline Caves and then proceed into the heart of darkness,
Fort Apocalypse itself.
After the fortress is destroyed you must fly back through the Kralthan
Caves to freedom in order to complete your mission.
The Rocket Copter
Your rocket copter is controlled by the joystick. Moving the joystick
in any direction causes your rocket copter to move in the chosen
direction. As you change direction from right to left or vice versa
the rocket copter turns to face forward and then con- tinues the turn
to the desired direction.
To fire your interceptor rockets press the joystick fire button you
are facing front you will release plasma-bombs instead of interceptor
Interceptor rockets are used to destroy Kralthan tanks, missile
drones, impact shields, etc. Plasma-bombs destroy access doors, SPM's,
Your mission begins at your fuel depot. In order to fuel your rocket
copter you must land on thefueling station. Upon landing, the top of
the fuel tank will descend and you will drop down after it. Upon
reaching the floor of the tank you will be refueled.
Your fuel level is constantly displayed at the left side of the
command bar, to the left of the navatron.
The Navatron
The navatron is a long range navigational aid. It will give you
information about the terrain you are about to encounter as well as
enemy units in the area.
Kralthan Tanks
Due to the advanced state of defense armor, tanKs can be destroyed
only by direct hits to the tank treads, The tanks launch drone
missiles which track your rocket copter and quite often destroy it.
Impact Shields & Access Doors
Impact shields and access doors will be encountered at various points
in the Kralthan defense system. They must be destroyed by plasma-bombs
or interceptor missiles.
SPM'S (Self-Propelled Mines)
SPM's contain plasma bombs and are deadly to your rocket copter. They
float independently through the atmosphere and the Kralthan Caves.
The Kralthan robo-choppers are android controlled attack helicopters.
They are armed with missiles and hunt you relentlessly. Treat them
with great respect.
Prisoners are rescued by picking them up with your rocket copter.
Landing Pads
White landing pads are scattered throughout the Kralthan Caves, the
last place that you landed will be the spot (in case of destruction of
your rocket copter), that your replacement copter will appear.
Hyper Chambers
Hyper chambers are distinguished from laser chambers by their glowing
nudes. If you are zapped in a hyper chamber you will be transported
to any one of four identical chambers on your level. CAUTION: If you
rematerialize in another hyper chamber that already contains an SPM
or robo chopper you will be destroyed.
Rotating Field Envelopes
There are horizontal and vertical RFE shafts in the defense net- work
with energy blocks that move through them. You must enter and keep
ahead of the blocks to order to survive. Pressing the fire button
changes the direction of the block movement.
Fort Apocalypse
The fort is destroyed by a well aimed missile from your rocket copter.
Press (SELECT) to display the option page. You may step through the
options by pressing the (OPTION) key. You then press the (SELECT)
button to step through your choice.
Once your gravity, skill level and number of pilots has been selected
press (START) to begin game.
The bonus points for the level is displayed to the right of the
navatron. The longer your mission takes, the less bonus points you
will be awarded at its completion.
Your rating will be displayed at the end of the game. It is com- puted
acccording to the level at which you are playing and the amount of
time required to complete your mission.
1. You must rescue all the survivors in order to move to the next
level. Information on how many men remaining is displayed under
the navatron.
2. Monitor your fuel levels constantly. You may take on up to 2000
units of fuel at one time.
3. Press (SPACE BAR) to pause the action at any point in the game.
Pressing (SPACE BAR) again will restart the game where you left off.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)