Freaky Fish DX
arcade game for Commodore 64, 2020

Skeeter the fisherman has found a large stash of dynamite in his Uncle
Cletus's shed and has decided to use it for his new hobby of "blast
Obviously, the local fish are not too happy with Skeeters new hobby and so
Jacques le Shark, A rarely seen French fish with the ability to blow giant
bubbles has come out of retirement to deal with the problem.
Use a joystick in port 2 to move around. Press the fire button to blow a
bubble. If you hold the button down the bubble will stay with you for a short
Press the Run/Stop key to toggle the pause mode.
Press the Q key to quit back to the title screen.
F7 will resume your game at your best level with the energy and score you had
when you started it.
Completing a level rewards you with a code that can be entered on the title
screen to jump directly to the next level.
Basics of the Game
Capture the dynamite by blowing a bubble at it or swimming into the dynamite
while holding a bubble. Release the bubble to send it to the surface, but be
careful of the other fish. Don't hold the dynamite for too long as the fuses
can be unstable, particularly near the surface.
For each bubble containing dynamite that Jacques sends to the surface his
score will increase by 10 points. If Jacques hits Skeeters boat with the
dynamite his score will increase by 50 points and Skeeter will lose energy.
When Skeeter loses all of his energy he will abandon the boat as it sinks to
the bottom. Jacques will receive an energy boost and bonus points for each
fish that has been saved.
Jacques will lose energy each time he is caught in an explosion. If he loses
all of his energy then the game is over.
If all of the other fish in the lake are caught, the game is over.
Before every 5th level Skeeter switches to his other hobby of chucking energy
drinks into the sea. If Jacques can collect enough he will receive a full
energy boost.
Survive 25 levels to complete the game.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)