arcade game for Commodore 64, 1984

Push [F1] to start on title screen.
Use Control Port 1.
1. Introduction
When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? The
Ghostbusters, of course! Your job is to help cleanse the city of New York
(what a town) of any and all spectral activities. After a loan from the bank,
you can then purchase various pieces of equipment meant to aid in
spook-sucking, ghost-grabbing, poltergeist-punishing and more(yes, I ran out
of alliterative names). Do a good enough job and you will be able to take down
Zuul, the reason for the city going this crazy. Of course, you are also
working to repay the bank's loan(heroes still have to pay off their debts,
even if you save humanity itself). Luckily, any ghosts you capture give you
money in return. Earn more than you had and you will be allowed to take out
even more in your next round!
So let's get busting, 'cause we ain't 'fraid of no ghosts!
2. Controls
There is a different set of controls for each game mode. They are as follows :
Keys 1-3 : Switches between the Shop Screens.
E Key : Exits the Shop and begins the game.
Move Joystick : Move the stick up and down to select an item. Push the stick
left or right to the Forklift to the car and back after choosing an item.
Fire Button : Press the Fire Button to select an item. Press it again over the
car to drop the item and purchase it.
Move Joystick : Moves the Ghostbuster's icon on the screen, dictating the path
you will take(a line will trail behind the icon to show you the path you have
already covered).
Fire Button : Confirms your destination.
B Key : Activates Ghost Bait(see Equipment).
Space Bar : Views Status.
Run/Stop : Pauses the game.
Move Joystick : Used to move the car on-screen.
Fire Button : Uses the Ghost Vacuum(if equipped) to suck up Roamers(see
Space Bar : Views Status.
Run/Stop : Pauses the game.
Move Joystick : Manuevers your Ghostbuster on-screen. If both are in place and
the beams are active, pushing left will cause the right-most Ghostbuster to
move left and vice-versa.
Fire Button : Drops the trap. If the Trap is already dropped, it makes the
current Ghostbuster hold his position and switches to the second Ghostbuster.
When both are in place, the beams will activate. If the beams are already
activated, the button will fire the trap.
Space Bar : Views Status.
Run/Stop : Pauses the game.
Move Joystick : Manuevers the Ghostbuster.
Run/Stop : Pauses the game.
3. Cars & Equipment
There's a lot of gear available to the paranormal investigators.
Unfortunately, you can't afford everything you would like. So here's a list of
the various stuff you can buy with my personal 1-10 star rating for each
item and car, as well as a "Requirement" rating for the gear itself(how much
you actually need a specific piece of equipment) :
[CARS] :
Compact :
Cost : $2,000
Capacity : 5 Items
Top Speed : 75 MPH
Rating : 3 Stars
Bleah! This car is slow and you can only put a few items in it. Only buy this
car if you are desperate to save money. You'll likely miss several jobs thanks
to the speed, plus the traps you can't fit will make you have to run back to
HQ more than you like.
1963 Hearse :
Cost : $4,800
Capacity : 9 Items
Top Speed : 90 MPH
Rating : 6 Stars's an improvement. You should use this car first until you have an
account with a decent amount of money. Still, it's not bad for the price you
are given and it's a good start. And besides, it's the original Ecto-1...How
could you resist taking it for a spin?
Station Wagon :
Cost : $6,000
Capacity : 11 Items
Top Speed : 110 MPH
Rating : 9 Stars
Yowza! Once you have the money, this is THE car for you! There's plenty of
room for equipment and the speed is definitely improved. Unfortunately, you
won't be able to afford to take advantage of the space it provides until you
have a nice-sized account.
High Performance :
Cost : $15,000
Capacity : 7 Items
Top Speed : 160 MPH
Rating : 7 Stars
While it may be more expensive, it's usually better to go with the Wagon. The
cut-back on space usually means you'll have to buy a Portable Laser
Confinement System, which is another $8,000. If you can afford that, then this
car will be a big help, as it almost guarantees you reaching any bust on time.
PK Energy Detector :
Cost : $400
Rating : 9 Stars
Requirement : 8 Stars
For $400, this will let you keep track of the city's PK reading. Specifically,
it tells you how long you have to pay off the loan or until you must face
Zuul. No matter what, you should stick this on your car. It's cheap and will
give you an idea of when something will happen and allow you to prepare in
advance for it. Given you're only buying one less Trap because of it(slightly
cheaper, though), it's an investment that pays off quickly.
Image Intensifier :
Cost : $800
Rating : 7 Stars
Requirement : 3 Stars
This piece of equipment stops Slimers from "hiding" in the background of the
building. While this is very helpful, it is not hard to determine where the
Slimer is at any point in time during the bust. If you can afford it, go ahead
and buy it. I suggest waiting and getting other gear, though.
Marshmallow Sensor :
Cost : $800
Rating : 8 Stars
Requirement : 9 Stars
Occasionally, when you use Ghost Bait, the Marshmallow Man will STILL evade
capture. This nearly prevents that from happening altogether. If you get Ghost
Bait, you practically need this! Snag it and you won't be sorry!
Ghost Bait :
Cost : $400
Rating : 10 Stars
Requirement : 9 Stars
Get this as one of your first pieces of gear! Using this will cause the
Marshmallow Man to ignore the building he was about to smash and instead come
to your location. When he does, you will receive a $2000 bonus. And since the
container has three or more uses, it quickly pays for itself. It's
either that or you can just watch your account crumble the same way the
buildings do...
Traps :
Cost : $600 Apiece
Rating : 10 Stars
Requirement : 3 Traps, 10 Stars. 4-5 Traps, 7 Stars. Beyond 5, 3 Stars.
Naturally, you'll need a fair share of Traps to catch some Ghosts. Three
should be sufficent for a start. If you are returning to HQ a little too often
for your tastes, you can purchase a couple extra. However, more than five
seems like a waste when you could choose some optional gear instead.
Ghost Vacuum :
Cost : $500
Rating : 8 Stars
Requirement : 6 Stars
This is a great tool for busting. It allows you to suck up any Roamers you go
past on the way to a bust. This can help keep the PK rating down until you
can afford to repay the bank loan.
Portable Laser Confinement System :
Cost : $8,000
Rating : 9 Stars
Requirement : 4 Stars
This is one heck of an item...with a price to match! Having one of these means
you never have to return to HQ to empty your Traps. This automatically clears
any Traps you have of Ghosts, meaning you only need one Trap with this
on-board. However, while it is a spectacular item, the price tag means you'll
have to wait to make use of it...
4. Enemies
There are several ghouls out there hoping to resurrect Zuul. Here's the
complete list :
Roamers : These yellows ghosts appear on the Map screen. Every time one
reaches the Zuul building without you sucking it up with the Ghost Vacuum, the
PK rating jumps 100 points.
Slimers : These are the Ghosts at every bust. If you capture one, it will earn
you a random amount of cash. If you miss, one of your men will be slimed and
you will need to return to HQ to revive him. Also, the PK meter will increase
by 300 points.
Marshmallow Man : On the map screen, he will appear and cause $3,000 to a
random building. However, if you have Ghost Bait and press the B key fast
enough, he will instead come to you and you will gain $2,000. At the Zuul
building, he will bounce back and forth in front of the door. You must get
two out of the three Ghostbusters under his legs and through the door to win.
Gatekeeper & Keymaster : These two will wander the city, but there is nothing
you can do about them. When the PK Rating reaches 9999, however, they will
join together at Zuul's Building. The game will either end(if you don't have
enough money) or you will be taken to the Zuul Building to stop Zuul(if you
have enough).
5. Reading the Map and Status
Most likely, it will seem like gibberish at first. You'll quickly grasp it
with time and this guide, though :
Ghostbuster's Icon : Represents your place on the map. Move it to decide where
you will drive.
Building with GHQ on it : Ghostbuster headquarters. Return here anytime you
need to refill your pack energy and men or empty your Traps.
Building with Zuul on it : Final place in the game. You'll automatically head
there if you have enough money and the PK Rating is 9999. You cannot enter
before this happens.
Flashing red buildings : Buildings that are currently haunted. Go there fast
enough and you'll get a shot at busting a Ghost.
Yellow Ghosts : These represent Roamers. Run over them to stop them to be
sucked up later by the Vacuum(or just to freeze them). If one reaches the Zuul
building, the PK Rating will go up 110 points. There are four on the map at
all times.
Purple Buildings : Buildings that could become haunted very soon.
White Buildings : Buildings that could become hit by the Marshmallow Man very
Lock and Key : These represent the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster, respectfully.
When the PK Rating hits 9999, they will automatically go to the Zuul building.
City's PK Energy : Current PK Rating. Increases automatically with time.
Credit : How much money you have accumulated so far.
Backpack Energy % : How long you can use your beams before they
"power-out"(see Strategy).
# Empty Traps : Gee...Maybe it's how many empty Traps you how remaining?
# Men Left : How many "un-slimed" men you have currently. You must have at
least two to capture a Slimer or to confront Zuul.
6. Pay-offs & Penalties
You are given a variety of cash bonuses for your work around the city. The pay
rate is as follows :
Capturing a Slimer : $300-$1000(random)
Marshmallow destroys a building : -$4000
Capturing the Marshmallow Man : $2000
Defeating Zuul : $5000
7. General Tips
* Remember that if you want to make a bust, hold the joystick in the direction
of the haunted building as you press the Fire Button. Otherwise, you may stop
at the wrong place. The same applies when you want to stop at GHQ.
* Keep an eye on your status. There's nothing worse than missing a bust
because you didn't notice a crucial detail.
* If you run out of backpack energy, the trap will fire automatically whether
you want it to or not.
* Do NOT cross the beams in Action Mode! If you do, you'll short out your
backpack energy to 0% and knock out both men! Plus, the trap won't even fire,
meaning you'll lose both the Slimer and valuable time.
* A Roamer must be touching your car for the Ghost Vacuum to work.
* Roamers don't take up Trap space when they are sucked up, so don't count
those in your used Traps total.
* If you take too long to reach a bust or if you wait too long while there,
the Ghost will simply vanish into thin air(taking "your check" with it).
* When the PK meter reaches 1000(and every 1000 there after), the Roamers and
the meter's rate will both pick up speed.
* When the PK meter hits about 5000 or so, keep your finger over the B key
after each bust. That way, you'll be ready if the Marshmallow Man decides to
visit and attempt to ruin your day.
* Also, as the PK meter rises, you will get more and more "bust calls". Be
prepared for the hike in paranormal activity.
* Occasionally, a building will turn purple or white when you are next to it
even if you don't have the Image Intensifier or the Marshmallow Sensor. Take
it as a warning...
* If you already have enough money, you may want to consider letting the
Roamers reach Zuul's Building. That way, you'll build up the PK Rating faster
and you won't have to worry about the Marshmallow Man stomping away your
hard-earned cash.
8. Strategy Tips
For first-time players, I recommend the following set-up for your gear :
1963 Hearse
PK Detector
Marshmallow Sensor
Ghost Bait
5 Traps
Ghost Vacuum
This will give a you a decent set-up and most of the useful items. Now when
you start, one of the buildings will be flashing red. Head for it immediately.
Enjoy the music while you wait for the car to reach the destination.
When you reach the building, you'll see the ugly little blue thing floating
around("I think he can hear you, Ray"). Start by moving the Ghostbuster as
high as you can and placing the Trap so it is aligned with the center of the
screen. Press the Fire Button, then move the Ghostbuster all the way to the
upper-left and tap right so he faces right, then press the button again. Now
move the second Ghostbuster to the upper-right and tap left so he faces left.
Press the button once more to activate the beams. Now, slowly close the Slimer
in so that you ALMOST cross the beams but not quite. This way, you'll prevent
the Slimer from moving around, and yet force it above the trap. When it flies
low, press fire once more. If you timed it right, the circle will fly straight
up and nab that sucker...congrats on your first catch! Using this method will
guarantee a 90% catch rate. The real trick is patience.
Back on the map screen(if there are no other red buildings), you may want to
catch the Roamers on the map. If a man was slimed, however, return to HQ
instead while you have time. Or do both, make a complete circle of all the
Roamers and end the trail at GHQ.
As the game goes on, make regular stops at GHQ. Even if it seems like you
don't need it, it's not worth the risk of your packs shorting out from lack of
energy. The reason is later busts will come in groups for 3 or more, meaning
you probably won't have the luxury of just heading back to HQ when you feel
like it.
As for sneaking into Zuul's Building, it's a toughie. Getting under the
Marshmallow Man's legs is difficult, but the reward is high paying if you
manage to get two Ghostbusters past! Moving up while the Marshmallow Man is
nearly at the peak of his jump is the best way to time it. You have all the
time in the world to do this, so just relax and take a deep breath first. If
that technique doesn't work for you, there is another method. Stand to the
left of the Marshmallow Man and wait for him to jump to the right. The moment
he leaps, run after him and into the left edge of the door. If timed right,
you'll slip right by. Good luck!
9. Codes
If you think you need a little more cash, enter this name and account number
for a credit limit of $22,900 :
However, if you want to seriously break the bank, enter your name as "Owen"
and your account as "List"'ll start the game with $720,000! That should
be enough for ANYONE to buy what they need!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)