Head Over Heels
arcade puzzle game for Commodore 64, 1987

This enables skill in control to be built up - the main difference being the way diagonal control is
interpreted. The default controls have been defined as follows:
LEFT - Joystick - Left
RIGHT - Joystick - Right
DOWN - Joystick - Down
UP - Joystick - Up
JUMP - COMMODORE KEY, Joystick - Fire
RUN/STOP is permanently defined as Pause. Once Pressed a screen message will
appear offering the options of either aborting or continuing the game.
COMMODORE KEY is defined as jump and carry, this allows both actions with one
key depression. At some parts of the game it is essential to use jump and
carry together so leave at least one key defined as both.
THE GAME Head and Heels have been captured, separated and imprisoned in the
castle headquarters of Blacktooth. Their cells contain 'keep fit' equipment,
including a wall ladder that Head really must learn to climb. Your job is to
get them both out of the castle and into the market place so they can join up
again. From there, the journey leads to Moonbase Headquarters, where you will
have to decide either to try to escape back to Freedom or be a true hero and
teleport to one of the slave planets to search for its lost crown!
PENITENTIARY - The empire's prison planet Millions are imprisoned here. A
harsh planet, very mountainous, much climbing, skill required. The worst
place is The Pit, try not to fall into it!
SAFARI A densely vegetated planet, mainly used for hunting. The natives live
in wooden forts in the jungle, beware of traps!
BOOK WORLD The emperor is very keen on cowboy books, and has devoted an entire
world to a western library. Only the emperor's minions are permitted to read
them. Information is rigorously suppressed in the empire. The emperor built a
castle on Blacktooth and used it as his headquarters. The castle is
surrounded by a small market, and then a range of impassable mountains . The
only way to leave is via teleport to one of three lunar space stations.
BLACKTOOTH The planet has a large moon with three lunar space stations on it,
the larger of these, Moon station HQ, is the teleport centre for the empire,
with a direct teleport to all the slave planets.
HEAD (HEADUS MOUTHION) This creature is a symbiotic partner to Heels and will
normally be found sitting on top of one.
HEELS (FOTUS UNDERIUM) During Heel's evolution the arms have totally
disappeared while the legs have become very powerful.
REINCARNATION FISH The strangest animal in the known universe! This fish likes
to be eaten. There have been cases of it jumping on to plates! But there is
more: when you eat one, its memory remembers everything about you. Its memory
is so good that if you die at a later date, you will be reincarnated at the
very place you ate the fish. You must be very careful to check that the fish
is alive and wriggling as dead fish decompose very quickly and it rapidly
turns so poisonous that a single lick can kill. WARNING! Even living
reincarnation fish tastes horrible!
CUDDLY STUFFED WHITE BUNNIES The cute toy bunnies, magically enhance your
powers. If Head and Heels are connected when they pick up a Life or Iron Pill
they will both get the enhanced power. There are four types: 1. Two extra
lives. 2. Iron Pill's (to make you invulnerable) (Shield Icon) 3. Jump
Higher Bunny. This only works on Heels (spring Icon). 4. Go Faster Bunny
this only works on slow-moving Head (Flash Icon). If Heels picks up a "Go
Faster Bunny" or Head picks up a "Jump Bunny", the Bunnies powers are
HOOTER The Hooter may be used by Head to fire doughnuts at attacking monsters.
This will freeze them in place as they lick the doughnuts off their faces.
The Hooter may only be used by Head and requires a tray of doughnuts to be of
any use.
DOUGHNUTS Trays of six doughnuts are few and far between so don't waste shots.
Only Head may pick up doughnuts.
BAG The bag may be used to carry small objects around the room. it is
essential for Heels to find and get the bag as it is impossible to get far
without it. The object in the bag will be displayed immediately above the
bags icon at the bottom right hand of the screen. To pick up an object just
stand on top of it and press the CARRY key. It is not possible to drop an
object in a doorway.
CROWNS Find a crown and start a revolution. At the beginning of each game a
screen showing all five planets with a crown above each will be displayed. As
each crown is collected this screen will be shown again with the appropriate
crowns in a bright colour.
TELEPORTS Standing on a teleport will activate its mechanism, this will sound
a warning siren. Pressing the jump key will cause you to teleport.
SPRINGS Jumping from a spring will give extra height to your jump.
SWITCHES Simply push the switch to switch things off and on! WARNING:
Switching a deadly monster of will stop him moving but he will still be
deadly to touch.
CONVEYOR BELTS The rollers on the conveyor simply push you along it. If you
wish to go the opposite direction you have to jump along.
HUSH PUPPIES They are often used as tables and even as building bricks. They
are are a native of Freedom and for many thousands of years Heads and his
ancestors have been mistaking them for Heels and causing so much trouble to
the poor old hush puppies that they evolved a defence mechanism, they somehow
learned to teleport themselves away. Nobody knows where they go but the
instant they see any if Head's race they disappear and won't return until
they are sure the coast is clear.
THE EMPEROR'S GUARDIAN The guardian blocks the door to the throne room in
Blacktooh castle, he is very dangerous and he doesn't like doughnuts. Only a
true hero my pass the guardian.
SWOP KEY If Head is sitting on Heels the swop key will,
on each push give you control of:
(1) Heels. (2) Head & Heels. (3) Head. (4) Head & Heels.
If Head is not on Heels the swop key will, on each push, give you control of:
(1) Head. (2) Heels. At all times the character(s) whose icon is lit
is under player control. When Head and Heels are joined together
all their abilities are combined.
It is not possible to swop if standing in a doorway.
both Heel's ba and Head's hooter must be collected at the initial stages
for there to be any chance of completing the game.
To discover if there is a room above, pile objects as high as possible
and jump from the top. If there is a spring in the room,
put it on the top for extra jumping height.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)