HERO - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation
arcade platform game for Commodore 64, 1984

Use Control Port 2.
Volcanic activity has trapped miners in mineshafts in Mount Leone.
Roderrick Hero needs your help and his special equipment to resque the miners.
In Demo-mode press...
[F1] to start game.
[F3] to chose game-difficulty (5 modes).
The game starts with 4 lives, but you will get an additional life
to a maximum of six in reserve for every 20000 points earned.
Power Gauge
The Power Gauge will be filled up at the begin of each level.
Power begins to diminish wheh the joystick is moved at the beginning of
each level or after a reserve life appears on the screen. If power runs out
and a reserve life remains, one reappears at the top of that level.
This propeller-pack allows you to fly.
To fly up: Push joystick forward.
To run or fly left or right:
Move your joystcik to the lefdt or to the right.
To hover:
Tap your joystick forward.
To fly down a shaft: Step off the ledge, gravity does the rest!
Microlaser Beam
The helmet is equipped with a microlaser beam. With it you can blast
vile vermin away. The beam can also slice through walls but this takes
time and costs lots of energy! Use your fire-button to activate laser.
At the begin of each level you will get six sticks of dynamite.
Each stick can blow away small walls. Land and move near a wall.
Place a stick while pulling your joystick towards you. Then hurry to move
away or Roderick Hero will be blown away, too!
A heat-resistant raft floats on certain stretches of the lava river.
Be careful! Getting off the raft isn´t always easy.
Mineshaft extend vertically and horizontally deep into Mount Leone.
Some dead end, others are blocked by walls. Some walls and surfaces
glow red. These contain magma deposits, molten lava behind th rock.
Like lava-rivers magma deposits cost a life if Roderick Hero touches them.
Lanterns light the murky mineshafts. Touch of shoot one and that
section will be dark. The shafts are alive with various vermin:
springing spiders, shaft bats, mine moths and nesting snakes.
Avoid to touch them or blast them away with your laser.
A tentacle will follow you when you cross several lava-rivers.
Be careful, you can´t kill it. On each level-end you will find a miner.
The higher the level, the faster things move, the more dangerous
the challenge becomes.
In game press [RUN/STOP] to pause game!
[RUN/STOP] and [RESTORE] to restart game!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)