Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
action adventure game for Commodore 64, 1987

INDY stumbles across the remote village
of MAYAPORE in India which was one pro-
tected by the sacred and powerful SAN-
KARA STONE. Devastation followed the
theft of the stone and the children of
the village disppeared. INDY discovers
them enslaved in the evil PANKOT PALACE,
the home of the Maharajah. The palace is
the secret worshipping ground for the
THUGGEE death cult. MOLA RAM the ruthles
High Priest has forced the village chil-
dren to dig in the THUGGEE mines for
precious gems and the other missing SAN-
The action takes place below the palace
where INDY is pursued. He uses his whip
to swing across dead end crossways and
defend himself against a variety of
hazards. You assume the role of INDY in
his quest to recover the SANKARA STONE.
INDY must free the children along the
way and escape pursuing THUGGEES through
the mine caverns: a labyrinth of narrow
passages, ladders, chutes and conveyor
Upon reaching the tunnel entrance INDY
rides a mine car still trying to escape
THUGGEE guards and avoid derailing on
the unpredictable tracks. As INDY pro-
gresses he must watch out for missing
rails, jumps, giant bat and THUGGEES.
In the TEMPLE OF DOOM, INDY must reach
the SANKARA STONE which is placed in
front of KALI the four armed goddess of
death. Once the stone is retrieved, INDY
exits into the mine caverns.
The action continues until INDY recovers
3 stones. INDY is the faced with esca-
ping over a perilous rope bridge.
A "bonus round" is awarded if the escape
is successful.
Joystick in Port #2 only.
Use the FIRE button to whip. You will
then whip in the direction you are cur-
rently facing. Use your whip to:
- Stun THUGGEE guards
- Kill bats
- Swing across whipping posts
- Free imprisoned children
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)