Into the Eagle's Nest
gauntlet style World War II shooter game for Commodore 64, 1987

"Eagle´s Nest" is a strategically positioned garrison fortress believed to
be Central Command for an imminent enemy counter-offensive.
It poses a major threat to the continuation of our advance amd must be
eliminated before the final offensive can begin.
The most efficient method to ensure the destruction of "Eagle´s Nest" is by
sabotage, the fortress having a vast and comprehensive defence against armoured
and troop assault.
A previous attempt at sabotage has failed, but intelligence
reports suggest that before the three man team were captured they managed to
set up a network of explosive charges at key points throughout the fortress. It
is not known it the locations of these charges have been discovered. Our
intelligence sources have also managed to secure the plans for the ground floor.
Your objectives are to infiltrate the fortress and rescue the three captives
before they break under torture. Causing maximum havoc and confusion, find
and detonate the explosives on all floors. It is in your interest to
investigate anything you find as you will need keys and passes for the
fortress doors and lift.
It is also in your interest to collect any art treasures and jewels you find
from the Commanders private collection. You will find ammunition dumps inside -
carry no more than you need. Be careful in confrontations - loose shots could
detonate the vast hoards of explosives stored in many rooms. This will not
destroy "Eagle´s Nest", it will merely terminate your mission.
Our main offensive will start at "E" PLUS FOUR HOURS, by which time you should
have completed your mission.
GOOD LUCK - we are depending on you.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)