space invaders clone for Commodore 64, 1983

In the year 2089, Earth has flourished
as a peaceful hub of technology and pro-
gress, but this peace is threatened by a
mysterious alien race known as the
'Zorathians.' These invaders have de-
scended from the far reaches of the ga-
laxy, and their goal is to take control
of Earth's resources to fuel their own
intergalactic empire.
As Earth's top pilot, you are called
upon to defend humanity from this extra-
terrestrial threat.
Armed with a powerful spacecraft and a
high-tech laser canon, you must fight
back against wave after wave of Zora-
thian invaders.
With each successful defense, you earn
points from ten up to one hundred.
You will face great challenges as the
invaders getting faster and smarter.
They are relentless, coming at you in
formation after formation, and you must
outmaneuver and outshoot them before
they take over Earth !
Objective: Destroy all incoming waves of
alien invaders before they reach the
surface of Earth. Joystick Port 2.
The Waves
Each wave increases in speed and aggres-
sion. Defeat them all to progress to the
next level.
Defensive Barriers
Use the four energy shields scattered
across the bottom of the screen to block
incomming fire from the invaders.
However, these shields slowly deterio-
rate as they take damage, so take them
wisely !
The Story Behind the Invaders
The Zorathians, mysterious and cold-
blooded, seek to harvest Earth's resour-
ces, but their true leader, Emperor
Xal'Thor, has an even darker plan.
He intends to use Earth's rare mineral
resources to fuel an ancient alien wea-
pon capable of wiping out entire star
You must stop him before it's too late !
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)