arcade game for Commodore 64, 1983

Edison, the kinetic droid, leads a
frustrating life.
All he really wants to do is build his
circuit boards and go with the flow.
But things keep getting in the way.
Nohms - a negative influence - bug him
regularly. They're harmless, but only
from a distance.
Flash, the lighting dolt, disconnects
everything in his path. Which can be
frustrating after a hard day on the
And the cunning Killerwatt is out to fry
poor Edison's brains. But our hero
simply solders on.
Juice! is the ultimate current event.
You'll get a charge out of it, and a few
jolts, too!
Function Keys
F1 - Start and restart game.
F3 - Freeze the action. (Press again to
resume play.)
F5 - Select desired game option:
1. All characters
2. No Flash or Recharge
3. No Killerwatt
4. Nohms only
5. No nuisance characters at all
Adding a square to the
circuit 10 points
Contact with Flash or
Recharge 300 points
Leading Killerwatt off
the board 500 points
Completion of bonus round
within alotted time 2000 points
Fast work adds more points to your
score. You begin each level with units
of time as follows.
Level one: 1500 units
Level two: 1700 units
Level three: 1900 units
Level four: 2100 units
Level five: 2300 units
Level six: 2500 units
When you complete a circuit and the
juice begins to flow, the remaining
units of time are translated into points
and added to your total.
Things to know
1. There are six levels of difficulty,
each one made up of three rounds and one
bonus round.
2. You begin with five Edisons. A bonus
arrives at 10,000 points, and again
every 10,000 points up to a maximum of
nine Edisons.
Playing the game
This is a very simple game.
Your job is to complete the circuit
boards, quickly, if possible. When
you've done so, your screen will light
up, the juice will flow and the points
will accumulate.
Edison, the kinetic android, does the
work for you. Just move him from square
to square and he'll make all the right
As we said, this is a very simple game.
Simple. And maddening.
From time to time, a collection of cute
little characters, called Nohms, will
appear out of thin air and start
bouncing around.
When this happens, get out of the way.
Because if one of the Nohms bumps into
Edison, our hero will melt down on the
spot. Which is fun to watch, but bad for
your score.
After a few seconds, the Nohms will
bounce right off the board, leaving
behind one lonely capacitor.
This is where the fun begins. Because
after a few seconds, the capacitor
evolves into the cunning Killerwatt.
Killerwatt bounces around after you.
You have to be clever to get rid of him.
And speaking of maddening, Flash, the
lightning dolt, appears from time to
time and disconnects everything in his
The only real good guy is recharge. He's
round and cute. Bump into him and good
things happen.
Now that you know the players, it's time
to get back to work. And there's a lot
of work to do. Because each circuit is
a little different, a little more
challenging and a little more
We said this game was simple.
We didn't say it was easy.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)