Kick Off
football game for Commodore 64, 1989

Use Control Port 1 and 2.
KICK OFF is an accurate soccer simulation with a full size multi
directional scroll pitch and the markings, goals, etc. in correct
proportions. Both teams play the game strictly according to tactics
decided at the start of the game.
Kick Off, like real soccer, requires skill in ball control. There is
an option to learn these skills withoiut being harrassed by the
opposition. The set pieces like corner kicks (choice of 9), passing,
sliding tackles, dribbling can be practiced to perfection.
Each player on the pitch has a unique combination of 4 attributes,
namely Pace, Stamina, Accuracy and Aggression. An International
striker has greater accuracy and acceleration than a Youth level
striker. The latter may have more aggression. As yoiu progress
through the skill levels, you will need to adapt to different types of
The facility to set the skill levels of both teams independently
greatly adds to the lasting enjoyment of the game. For a really tough
game, you can select a Sunday side for yourself and play against an
international side. Playing against a friend, the levels can be set
to suit the individual skill and experience.
You can play in a league consisting of 8 teams. The teams in the
league are on the whole evenly matched but have different styles of
play with players attributes to match that style. The league lasts 14
weeks and there is a Load/Save facility.
You can play against the computer or against a friend. Foiuling is
penalised by a yellow card and persistent fouling will mean sending
off. The scanner on the pitch shows the position of all the players
and is of great assistance in playing the game.
There are 12 different referees in the game with varying experience
and leniency factor.
Move the Joystick Up or Down to highlight an option. Press the Fire
Button to select the option.
PRACTICE SKILLS - This option gives the player the chance to learn
joystick movements and improve his passing skills, corner kicks, etc.
and learn to play according to various tactical plans. The corners
can be practiced with or withoiut a keeper. Practice as long as you
like. Press Space Bar/Esc to return to the Main Menu.
PRACTICE PENALTIES - Allows you to take and defend a series of 5
penalty kicks in one or two players mode. Press Space Bar/Esc to
return to the Main Menu.
PLAY SINGLE GAME - You can play against the computer or a friend.
There are 5 skill levels. The skill levels of both teams can be set
independently. Press Space Bar/Esc to abandon match and return to the
Main Menu.
PLAY LEAGUE - The league consists of 8 teams and lasts 14 weeks. Each
team in the league has its own style of play.
DURATION - Sets the match duration for a game. The options range from
10 minutes to 90 minutes. The default value is 10 minutes. The match
duration must be set before selecting single or league game options.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS - Highlight the option by moving JS 1 up and down
and press the F.B.
One Player JS 1 Controls the BLUE team.
Two Players JS 1 Controls the BLUE team.
JS 2 Controls the RED team (ST/AMIGA).
Controls the YELLOW team (CBM 64).
SKILL LEVEL - There are 5 skill levels. The skill levels of both
sides are set independently. Highlight the selection and press the
F.B. There is a gentle breeze which changes direction randomly
affecting ball behaviour if both teams play at the Reserve level or
TOSS - The winner of the Toss decides whether to play Up or Down the
MATCH TACTICS - There are four distinct tactics determined by the
choice of formations. The players play in their designated positions
ready to intercept the opposition and receive passes. The players
nearest to the ball run towards the ball. The formations are:
4 - 3 - 3 Defensive Play
4 - 2 - 4 Attacking Play
4 - 4 - 2 Good Midfield control
5 - 3 - 2 Sweeper Defensive Play
Move JS 1 up or down to highlight the option and press the F.B. In
two player mode JS 2 selects the option after JS 1.
The game starts as soon as the selections have been made
The league consists of 8 teams and lasts 14 weeks. The league game is
played at the NATIONAL level and the sides contain some INTERNATIONAL
standard players. Each team has its own style of play and strengths
in different departments. Up to 8 players can play in the league and
there is a facility to save and load separate leagues.
When the League option is selected, the league table with the names of
all the 8 teams is shown. It also shows whether the team is computer
or joystick controlled. The table also shows the results of the games
and the points gained. The following options are offered.
MODIFY - The names of the teams (ST/Amiga only) and joystick or
computer control can be modified. Move the joystick up or down to
highlight the name to be modified. Press F.B. and a * will appear
beside the name. Use back space key (ST/Amiga) to delete the
characters and the keyboard to enter new names. Maximum of 15 ch.
allowed. Use F1 key (ST/Amiga) or F.B. (CBM 64) to toggle between J/S
and C. Select Done when all modifications are finished.
LOAD - Loads a previously saved game.
DISC - Highlight the name using the J/S and press the F.B.
TAPE - Type the file name and press the RETURN key.
CONTINUE - Highlights the two teams to play the next match. A new set
of options appear. If two J/S are in use, teams are allocated J/S 1
and J/S 2.
MOVEMENT - The player moves in all 8 joystick directions.
HEADERS - If the ball is in the air, pressing the F.B. will make the
controlled player jump. Move the J/S in the direction in which you
wish to head the ball when the player is in the air.
TACKLE - Press the F.B.
The keeper is computer controlled except when penalty is being taken.
Press F.B. to start the move. The longer the F.B. is pressed the
bigger the movement.
Kick Off ball controls have been specially designed for ease of use.
In a fast moving game and under pressure, there is no time to remember
the complicated joystick movements. The action has to be instinctive.
You are advised to learn the controls by using the Practice Skills
option in the Main Menu.
DRIBBLE BALL - The ball travels in front of the player. The distance
it travels depends on the speed of the player when he makes contact
with the ball.
SHOOT BALL - Press F.B. AFTER touching the ball shoots the ball in the
direction the player is facing.
STOP BALL - Press F.B. BEFORE touching the ball will stop the ball and
give you total control.
PASS BALL - You must STOP the ball before you can pass it. Keep the
F.B. pressed and move the joystick in the direction you wish to pass
and release the F.B.
Releasing the F.B. when J/S is centred and the ball is stationary,
takes you back into Dribble action. The player will turn in the
joystick direction and start dribbling the ball in that direction and
if F.B. is pressed again, shoot in that direction. The ball will
remain stationary as long as J/S remains centred.
CHIP BALL - Reverse the direction of the joystick on making contact
with the ball.
CORNER KICKS - There is a choice of 9 corner kicks. A selection panel
appears. Select the option by highlighting it and press the F.B. The
computer takes the corner. The arrows on the ball show the direction
of the ball movement relative to the goal. The options allow you to
curl the ball in or out. A ball kicked at the top will travel on the
ground, in the middle at half height and at the bottom to the bar
PENALTIES - The angle and the height of the shot are controlled
enabling the penalty taker to put the ball anywhere in the net.
There is a bar with a pointer moving rapidly from left to right. This
indicates the horizontal position of the ball. The height of the ball
is determined by how long the button is pressed before the contact
with the ball is made. The longer the F.B. is held down, the HIGHER
the ball will travel. It is therefore possible to overshoot or hit
the goal posts and the bar. The penalty must be taken as soon as
possible after the referee blows the whistle.
P - Pause Game ON/OFF.
Q - Sound ON/OFF.
C - Crowd Sounds only ON/OFF (CBM 64 version is without Crowd
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)