multiplayer one button game for Commodore 64, 2025

Neppis is an outdoor toy car sport from Finland where you and your friends
take turns pushing your small plastic car on a track built on sand.
Kuusneppis brings this joy to your Commodore 64, allowing up to six players to
compete together simultaneously. Each player gathers around one C64 unit and
uses one button on the joystick or keyboard to play.
Code: jab / Artline Designs
Graphics: Sulevi / Extend
Music: Flotsam / Pretzel Logic
Controller selection
After loading the game, you are presented with a player/controller
registration screen. Each player who wants to compete should press their
control button once to register for the next race. Ensure each player gets
comfortable and can easily reach their control button.
There are two modes of setups for controls:
6-player mode: Control buttons are the four keys in each corner of the
keyboard (Arrow left, C= key, F1 and F7) and the fire buttons of
joysticks in port 2 and port 3 (the first port of an additional joystick
adapter connected to the C64's user port).
4-player mode: All players use joysticks: Joysticks in ports 1 and 2, and
two ports on the additional joystick adapter in the user port. Press X on
the registration screen to toggle between the two modes. The best mode
depends on how many joysticks you have, whether you have a user port
adapter, and each player's preference to play using the keyboard or a
When the players have registered, hit Return to start the race.
Notes on the controller configurations
Joystick port 1 unfortunately can't be used in the 6-player mode, because
it would conflict with the keyboard controls.
For the additional joysticks, the user port adapter should be compatible
with the Protovision / Classical Games (CGA) multiplayer interface. This
is probably the most common type of such adapter.
If using the VICE emulator, choose "CGA user port joy adapter" from the
peripherals menu to emulate the user port adapter.
In Neppis, you bump your car forward using your hand. This is
called "nepping", or making a "nep". In Kuusneppis, you advance your hand
towards the car by pressing and holding your control button. When you get
near the car, your nep power indicator shows up. Release the button and then,
when the power indicator value is as high as possible, press the button again
to nep. If you nep with maximum power, the car will go the furthest, and it
will also fly over any mud that would otherwise slow it down.
Activity drains your stamina, as indicated by the indicator on the left side
of the screen. When you're out of stamina, you get tired and your neps are
poor and powerless. To recover, you need to let go of your button for a
while. This also takes your hand away from your car, so get back to action as
soon you have your full stamina back.
The first cars on the finish line get to climb on the podium! Happy nepping!
And remember, winners don't break their C-64s.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)