Last Ninja II
action adventure game for Commodore 64, 1988

The Ninja, known as the Mystick Shadow Warriors, were the elite
fighting force of Ninth Century Feudal Japan. They were dedicated to
fine-tuning their bodies into killing machines. Students of the NInja
arts drove themselves to achieve the state of self-perfection, and the
discipline of martial arts became the highest and most honorable path
to this perfection. Unfortunately, some Ninja were to abuse their
The Ninja were nearly wiped out of existence during a purge in the
Twelfth Century. But now they're more powerful than ever... and back
with a vengeance!
Keyboard Controls
F1 Turn sound on/off.
F3/F5 Cycle through the Ninja's inventory.
F7 Pause game.
Run/Stop Kill the Ninja.
Space Bar Cycle through the Ninja's weapons.
J Select joystick orientation.
If you want to change the direction of the
joystick movements to match more closely the
Ninja's movements, press the J key to rotate the
joystick's positions 45 degrees. This joystick
rotation applies to the Ninja's running movements,
not his fighting maneuvers.
Power Levels
The power levels of the Ninja and his opponent are measured in the
coil-like gauges in the bottom left corner of the main screen. The red
drains out of each coil as the Ninja and his opponent fight, showing
how much strength each has, and how much longer each can fight before
he dies. The Ninja's power level gauge is on the right; his opponent's
is on the left.
Timer and Score Keeper
Next to the power gauges is the timer, and below it, the score keeper.
The timer keeps track of the amount of time it takes you to play the
whole game. The score keeper displays the points the Ninja earns by
landing hits, kicks and blows on his opponents.
Controlling the Ninja
The Ninja can move in three dimensions. This means all the moves the
Ninja can make apply to the direction he's facing on the screen.
The Ninja changes directions when you: roll the joystick handle through
all the positions until he's facing the direction you want.
The Ninja runs forward when you: push the joystick in the direction the
Ninja is facing.
The Ninja runs backward when you: push the joystick in the opposite
direction to the one the Ninja is facing.
The Ninja runs diagonally when you: push the joystick in the direction
you want the Ninja to veer. He can move diagonally in both a forward
and backward direction.
Collecting Items
The Ninja picks up an item when you move him next to it, press the
joystick button, then quickly pull the joystick diagonally back and to
the right or left.
One of the most effective moves in the Ninja's repertoire is the
somersault. To activate this maneuver so he can avoid attack or
overcome a hazard, make the Ninja run in the direction you want him to
somersault. While he's moving, press the joystick button. Because the
Ninja can move in three dimensions, he will somersault forward or to
the side, depending on which direction you push the joystick. If you
push the joystick diagonally forward, the Ninja somersaults across and
up; if you push the joystick sideways to the right or left, he
somersaults horizontally. The Ninja can somersault only while moving
Fighting Movements
The following is a list of all the Ninja's moves, which he performs
both unarmed and armed. To activate the fighting moves, press the
joystick button with the Ninja standing still, and move the joystick
according to the directions listed below.
Unarmed Moves Joystick Direction
Kick down
Punch up
Duck up-left or up-right
Armed Moves Joystick Direction
(sword, numchakus, and staff)
Stab right
Slash left
High Stab up
Kick down
Parry up-left or up-right
Throwing Moves Joystick Direction
(shiraken and other throwable objects
Throw right or left
General Tips
* Master the joystick controls. The better you are at the controls,
the more you'll enjoy the game.
* The Ninja begins the game with five lives. Every time he dies, he
loses a life. If he uses up all his lives, you lose the game. He
can gain lives by picking up certain items.
* There's a lot of movement in The Last Ninja 2, so don't get
distracted. Remember what happens on each screen as you're
playing. Remembering details will help you get higher scores each
time you play the game.
* Never take anything for granted: some things are not as they
appear. Be curious; examine everything.
The following are clues to some of the objects and hazards you may come
across in your travels. Like all good adventures, however, there is
more to the story.
Keys. There are grate keys and no-so-grate keys. In the beginning,
they're a hard bunch to find.
Trap Door. Get a good grip and punch your way through this problem.
Map. This map can reveal a lot.
Nunchukas. Pulling off this two-part problem could make you flush with
Shiraken. You'll have to box cleverly to reach the stars.
Staff. Reaching new heights, staff will do well.
Bottle. Why not tramp around the streets and grab a drink while you
Sword. Shop around for the best buy -- it could be a real steel.
Hamburger. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his
extra hamburger for a friend."
Credit Card. You'll get extended credit when you gain access. It will
really lift your spirits.
Computer Terminal. Your number's up if you don't act like an elephant.
The Final Problem is Always in the Picture
The game is played in a variety of environments. Here are a few
cryptic clues about the places you'll be visiting:
Level One: Central Park
The key to success is to gain new heights then go for a frolic on the
Level Two: The Street
The busy streets can be paved with danger. Stepping out before your
time could really flip you out. If you're very sophisticated, you can
get down to it and make a grate exit.
Level Three: The Sewers
Typically deep, dark, and dank. There'll be no torchcarrying here --
you'll just need lots of bottle.
Level Four: The Basement
Meet a real cool cat, but be careful -- you might get a shock along the
way. Tread carefully before taking a quick dip.
Level Five: The Office
Entry here is no big secret. You could become a real terminal case
before you get to meet your biggest fan and become star-struck.
Level Six: The Mansion
Drop in to see your arch enemy. If you're dump enough, it might not be
too alarming. After that, it's full steam ahead.
Level Seven: The Final Battle
Careful -- if you get cornered you might have to do a six-point turn.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)