Last Ninja III
action adventure game for Commodore 64, 1991

The Ninjitsu, or Ninja, had become the most feared warriors of
their day and were feared even by the most powerful Samurai.
Known as the Mystic Shadow Warriors, they were the elite fighting
force of ninth century feudal Japan. Dedicated to fine tuning
their bodies into killing machines, their mastery of weaponcraft,
assassination, stealth and invisibility led many to believe them
to be invincible if not immortal.
Centuries later and only Armakuni, the Last Ninja, remains. Still
as proud as ever, still as valiant in battle, he strives to
further uphold the moral strengths of Good, against the
persistent scourge of his arch enemy Kunitoki's relentless spread
of Evil.
Kunitoki is the evil Shogun of the Ashikaga clan who has long
envied the powers of the Ninja and would do anything to acquire
the Ninjitsu knowledge. To this end he has sworn an oath to their
total destruction. This oath has led the evil Shogun into many
battles with the Last Ninja, who himself has dedicated his very
existence to avenging the mass slaughter of the Ninja
brotherhood, centuries ago, by the twisted Shogun. Their clashes
across the vortex of time and space were nothing short of epic,
their hatred for one another timeless.
The struggle of Good versus Evil to the island of Lin Fen, the
shrine of the white Ninja, to halt the wrath of Kunitoki and to
protect the further teachings of the vital Koga scrolls. Armakuni
had been victorious but not 100% decisive as Kunitoki slipped his
Years later, Armakuni had been dragged across time to modern day
New York, as again Kunitoki's ideas of corruption looked set to
threaten modern day ideals.
This was supposed to be their last battle, Armakuni's
determination had sworn to that, but yet again the Shogun had
slipped away. Humiliated, supposedly defeated in spirit and
hopefully humbled to the fact that Good will always
purvey over Evil.
The struggle in New York had left the Last Ninja battle-weary
from countless confrontations with Kunitoki's henchmen,
distraught that his age old adversary had again eluded him, but
resolute that one day his timeless mission would bear the
fruits of his persistance.
As time drifted by, the Ninja's role within his own society was
of a rather more tranquil existence in comparison to his earlier
exploits, but he knew the necessity of his work, the importance
of again building a new Ninja brotherhood from his personal
knowledge and the mystical teachings of the closely guarded Koga
scrolls. Armakuni felt comfortable once more as the teacher and
accepted his duties with great passion and commitment, as he had
prior to his historic battle in modern day New York.
A stronger order of Ninja slowly began to take shape as masters
from the pre-New York era mingled with the young class of '91.
During a strenuous training session, a strange feeling came over
the class. It was as if time had abruptly stood still.
As Armakuni rose from his meditating position a strange pulsating
light enshrouded him. The older members of the class knew what
was happening, they had seen it all before and fervently tried to
calm the younger class, to ensure them that their master was safe,
to educate them as to the role of the spiritual Ninjitsu masters
who were again calling on Armakuni, the Last Ninja, for another
dangerous mission.
The intensity of the light grew around Armakuni until all who
were witnessing the scene were forced to cover their eyes.
He knew what was happening, he knew there was unfinished business
dating back many centuries. To him it felt as though his gut was
turning inside out, as a deep determination coupled with his
inner mystical energies began to take over and prepare him for
the inevitable battles that must lie ahead. He knows who the
ancient masters want him to defeat, after all he has lived for
this day ever since his pride was dented by his arch enemy again
escaping his grasp in New York.
Relieved his masters had at last found Kunitoki again, his only
apprehension was the location.
Where would he have to ply his trade? What new time scale would
he have to become accustomed to? How much more advanced would the
new realm of Kunitoki's henchmen be in battle? And ultimately how
strong had his rival been allowed to grow in the time lapsed since
their last meeting? No doubt all these questions would be
answered in time as slowly Armakuni woke from the darkness of
deep sleep.
He recognized the location from earlier studies and heaved a
great sigh of expectation as he understood immediately where he
had been sent and indeed why?
Armakuni was back at the very heart of the Ninjitsu spiritualism.
He had been brought to Tibet, the Tibetan mountains to be precise
and the locations of his latest exploits were to be the Tibetan
temples. These mystical Buddhist temples house the source of
inner-power to the Ninja.
A temple is divided into 5 chambers, each depicting one of the
elements and all combining to provide the Ninja with the very
heart of their power and their mystical strength, so symbolic to
the very existence of the Ninjitsu. The five chamber elements are
No one had entered the inner chambers of the temples before and so
there was no knowledge of what would greet any would-be explorer.
VOID would be an unkown entity to a Ninja familiar only with the
ways of old and whose weaponry would seem somewhat primitive to
any "Space-age Assassin" who lurked within his futuristic chamber
and who strove to carry out the outlandish orders of their new
Weaponry is, however, just a tool for the Ninjitsu strength.
Master of many a move the Last Ninja knows he is up to the task
but knows not how long his task will take.
Armakuni takes a moment to meditate but suddenly experiences a
strange and chilling sensation. He already knew he would have to
confront Kunitoki once again, but his force seemed so powerful
this time, more so than ever before. He had been allowed to grow
in strength for far too long, surely the elders should have found
him earlier.
Armakuni did not need telling, the sinister truth why Kunitoki
was here was all too apparent. He was here to corrupt the
mystical Buddhist temples, to crush their inner power, so
symbolic to the strength of the Last Ninja.
Not able to defeat Armakuni in the past with mortal combat,
the evil Shogun has turned to the spiritual aspect of Ninjitsu to
act out his particular form of corruption. All the learning Ninja
brotherhood rely on the Tibetan temples for spiritual guidance
and strength, without this they would be no more.
Kunitoki has seized upon this opportunity to destroy the
knowledge he could never have and the enemy he could never defeat.
Never was Armakuni's task more important...
Never would the unacceptable result of failure be more damaging.
It would now seem that New York was just the beginning. Their
distaste for each other has grown for centuries, but then...
F1 Turn sound On/Off
F3/F5 Cycle through objects held
F7 Pause the game
Space bar Cycle/Select weapon to use
Run/Stop Kill the Ninja
The game can only be played with a joystick. The joystick should
be plugged into Port 2.
To change the direction the Ninja is facing, roll the joystick
handle through all the positions until you are facing the
direction you want.
To walk forwards push the joystick in the direction the Ninja
is facing.
To walk backwards pull the joystick in the opposite direction to
the one the Ninja is facing.
To drift across the path push the joystick in the direction you
want him to veer (this applies for walking forwards and backwards)
***Turning the Ninja
Roll the joystick through all the positions until you are facing
the direction you want.
If the fire button is pressed while the Ninja is moving, he will
somersault in that direction.
***Pick Up
To pick up objects/weapons the button must be pressed and the
joystick pulled down-left or down-right (diagonal).
Note: This move is also used at certain points of the game
for placing objects in a desired order or position.
To activate fighting moves, the Ninja should be stationary and
the fire button pressed.
Unarmed moves Armed moves
------------------------- --------------------------
Kick Down Stab Right
Punch Up Slash Left
Duck Up-left/Up-right High Stab Up
Kick Down
Parry Up-left/Up-right
Throwing moves
Throw Right or Left
The first aspects of the game you should master are the joystick
controls. The highly interactive nature of the game is required
because of the complex moves the Ninja character has to perform.
A high level of competence at the controls will enhance your
gameplay considerably.
Because of the adventure elements our second suggestion is that
you should get into the habit of recording what happens on each
screen. This will enable you to obtain higher scores with
repeated play.
The last point is, never take anything for granted -some things
are not as they appear. Examine everything.
This is a simple scheme of the Last Ninja III display panel. The
numbers represent the important areas in it. Explanations follow.
| |
| 6 |
| 5 |
| | | 3 | |
| | |-----------| |
| 1 | 2 | | |
| | | 4 | |
1: Ninja energy level - Lessens each time Ninja takes a hit,
etc. - does not replenish.
2: Enemy energy level - Works the same as above but does
replenish once an enemy is defeated, enabling the enemy to get up
and fight again.
3: Game score
4: Bushido indicator - In the form of a dragon and at start of
game appears orange, but gradually turns green as Bushido power
is obtained. To leave a screen without defeating an opponent is
to lose honor and you will be deducted bushido.
5: Weapon/Object window - Weapons and objects found appear in
this window as do the objects that have been specifically
6: Prayer Wheel - Opens to reveal object/weapon to be picked up
on a certain screen. When an object appears, it means the object
is nearby. You have to try picking up within that area once you
find the spot the object will then be added to your inventory.
Also briefly reveals weapon an enemy is holding just before
combat, thus relevant to the obtaining of Bushido power.
Note: Bushido is relevant to the completion of the game and your
overall strength. For example by taking on and defeating enemies
with the same weapon, your Bushido power increases. The same
applies when you take on an enemy using only hand to hand combat.
This is more difficult but rewarded with substantial Bushido
power. It is necessary to have sufficient Bushido power to
complete a level and ultimately the game.
There will now follow a complete playing guide to Level One. This
should enable the games' player to get the feel for this type of
game and prepare the player for the difficulties that lay within
the levels ahead.
Do not read on if you wish to try and complete the game without
our help.
There are 3 weapons to be picked up on this level. The sword,
shirakin stars (5 in one go) and the Nunchukas, which have to
be made. This is done by picking up wooden branches, which will
become the handles, and picking up a chain from the hanging flower
baskets to link the handles together.
*First screen - Pick up Leather Glove.
*Outside a group of two huts, are Rooftilers Nails. Pick these
up, combined with the glove, creates a Climbing Glove.
*Select "climbing glove" and climb cliff on Gunpowder screen.
*On next screen walk across the edge of building to pick up a
Glass Lamp.
*Go back to Gunpowder screen and holding the lamp, pick up
Gunpowder to create a Bomb.
*Go back to Upper Platform at the Rock screen and place the
orb/gunpowder bomb beside the rock. An explosion drops the rock
to lower the platform.
*Pick up Scroll which is now accessible by the newly formed Rock
*Find level Exit room and enter holding the Scroll.
*Prepare to fight the lethal guardian Shogun.
Note: Exit scroll has to be found on each load to exit that
level. Extra lives are found in the form of Potions on every
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)