LED Storm
action racing game for Commodore 64, 1989

The road race game of the year, L.E.D.
STORM puts you in control of a high
powered futuristic vehicle through 9
fast and furious stages each of which
contain various hazards designed to stop
you dead in your tracks.
Beware of ramps, boxing cars, manic
frogs, broken bridges, sheer drops and
many more hazards as you cook up an
L.E.D. STORM. Playing is believing in
the game of a lifetime.
Forward - Accelerate Right - Right
Backward - Decelerate Left - Left
Fire & Back - Change to motor bike
Fire - Jump
Driving over these object causes
individual letters of the word 'Energy'
(displayed on the top of the screen) to
be illuminated. Once the final letter
has been lit, you will receive a large
fuel bonus.
These are dropped by passing space ships
and if picked up will aid your journey.
There are three different types:
E - Energy B - Barrier P - Points
Jump to catch them as they float above
you on parachutes.
MANIC FROGS - These creatures grab hold
of your car, slowing you down hampering
your jumping ability. Move your joystick
rapidly from left to right to shake them
COMPUTER CAR - This is your main
adversary. Avoid where possible because
it will do his utmost to send you into
oblivion. To destroy the computer car
jump into the air and land on it.
TNT LORRY - Due to the nature of their
load, these vehicles are impervious to
any sort of collision so avoid them at
all costs.
MINE DROPPERS - This adversary, as his
name suggests, drops high explosives in
your path. Dodge the mines and overtake
him or jump on him.
CRATES & OIL SLICKS - These appear from
time to time strewn over the road.
Avoid these as best you can as crashing
into them will spin you and slow you
down, wasting time.
NOTE: MINE DROPPERS don't appear in the
Commodore 64 version.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)