Legend of Wilf
arcade adventure game for Commodore 64, 2024

Behold a magical adventure through time and space. Ulrich the arch wizard
has finally achieved his lifetime work of discovering all the locations of
the fabled Dragon Amulet pieces. But he's so old now, who is going to help
Ulrich fetch the pieces of the Dragon Amulet?
Enter Tony Wilf - Ulrich’s athletic young apprentice - and Ulrich is about to
cast a TRANSFORM spell on him.
Ulrich: "Apprentice Wilf, at last I have discovered all the pieces of the
Dragon Amulet. But I am so old, so I need you to retrieve them for me. For
this task I have granted you powers beyond your wildest dreams… behold your
new wings!"
Wilf: "These... ? They’re mine? I don’t want wings. I thought you were going
to make me a badass like Doc The Destroyer or something. Besides, why would
I need to fly to get an amulet?"
Ulrich: "Haven't you ever dreamed of flying Wilf?"
Wilf: "No"
Ulrich: "Where you are going is dangerous… No time to explain. I must send you
to the first location: 10,000,000 years BC. There are dinosaurs, and
annoyingly positioned traps… Don’t worry about the dinosaurs - now you have
wings you can simply fly over them."
Wilf: "But… I look like a damn Moth… I hate Moths."
Ulrich: "We’re running out of time, in a few days the dragons will be fully
awake and burning this place to the ground - if that happens we’ll all die
and you’ll be trapped in whatever time zone you are, and I guarantee you they
don’t have WIFI."
Wilf Gulps, and with that, Ulrich casts his TIME WARP spell and Wilf vanishes
into a puff of blue and yellow smoke.
You are Tony Wilf. And this is Legend of Wilf!
A new C64 arcade adventure featuring gorgeous chunky pixelated colour
graphics. Smoothly animated 50fps movement, tight controls, plus all the
annoying, unfair enemy spawns and water sections you’d expect from a C64
Can you retrieve the mysterious amulet pieces for your master
Standard Controls:
Left/Right - Walk or fly left/right
Fire - Fly up or swim down
Up - Also Fly
Alternative Controls:
Left/Right - Walk or Fly left/right
Fire - Fly up or swim down
Fire + Up - Exit water sections
In Game Keys:
Press F1 - Infinite Lives (If Cheat mode on - border will turn blue)
Press F3 - Skip Level (If Cheat mode on)
Press F7 - Quit
Press M - Toggles music
Press S - Toggles SFX
Press P - Pause
Difficulty: Easy (9 Wilfs)
Normal (5 Wilfs)
Hard (3 Wilfs)
Iron Wilf (1 Wilf)
Cheats: On (Enables Cheat keys)
Code: hayesmaker64
Music: Stepz
Additional Music & SFX: DMX87
Graphics: Stacbats
Technical help and compression: Tony Savona & TS Crunch
Title logo: Rotteroy
Testing: Wilf Team
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)