platform shooter game for Commodore 64, 2023

The Space Station Factory orbiting the planet is undergoing
an unprecedented mutiny.
The main computer of the space station UNSS ASAMI has gone
rougue during decommissioning and gained control of the guardian droids.
After winning a short battle with the UN army dislocated on Mars, the
rebellious mainframe is now pointing the station towards earth with its load
of uncontained radioactive material.
You are the android L-3573-R, the first of a new generation of guardian droids
independent from a central AI. Given your strenghts, you are the only hope
to stop this threat and figure out what happened to the station.
The game is played with a joystick plugged in port 2.
JOY UP: Jump
JOY DOWN: Descend Stairs - Enter through doors - Access terminals
JOY LEFT/RIGHT: Moves left/right
TAP FIRE BUTTON: Fire weapon
HOLD FIRE BUTTON AND RELEASE: Activate special power
P KEY: Pause
LIVES: number of tries Lester has to complete the mission. Once you loose them
all you can still restart from the first room keeping all your equipment.
HP: Your energy.
XP: Increases by one everytime you kill an enemy or you dare to wake up a
sleeping drone. Once you reach the maximum XP you'll be rewarded with an
extra HP.
COINS: Number of coins collected / Maximum number of coins collectable
SPECIAL POWER SLOT: Special power currently equipped.
You'll start your mission on the upper left bridge. The station was going
through decommissioning at the moment of the incident. The last updates on
the status of the work confirm that you may find uncontained radioactive fuel
in the lower part and some rooms not covered by auxiliary power.
During your mission to regain the control of the station you'll also find some
objects with various functions.
BARRELS: Scattered through the station, they hide useful items and
a lot of coins.
TERMINALS: Use them to save a checkpoint, view a map of the station,
restore health and upgrade your weapon spending your coins.
You can collect coins killing enemies and destroying barrels.
TRIGGERS: Activate them to open new passages inside the station.
Other than coins, you can gain also some useful extra powers
by shooting to enemies.
EMP: A single pulse that can pass through walls and destroys everything
in the line of fire. Armored droids are not affected.
BOMB: Destroys everything visible on the screen.
Armored droids are not affected.
SHIELD: Temporary invulnerability, even from armored droids.
You can carry only one special power at a time, use them wisely!
You can achieve permanent upgrades and more coins shooting
to the barrels disseminated through the station.
SMALL AND BIG COINS: Spend them when connected to terminals to restore
your hp and upgrade your weapon.
One big coin counts as 5 small coins.
PASS: Gives you access to the same numbered area.
BATTERY: Increases your maximum HP.
WALLET: Doubles your maximum amount of collectable coins.
INFRARED: Allows you to see through dark areas
RADIOACTIVE SHIELD: Protects you from radioactive liquids
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)