Lunar Leeper
arcade game for Commodore 64, 1982

PRESS [F1] to start game.
Leepers are cute,
Leepers are sly,
It's a game full of dodging
To shoot up an eye.
Fly up and fly down
Forward and back,
Rescue your men
before Leepers attack.
Fire if you must
To save men and your ship
But you'll get more points
If you give them the slip.
When the rescue is done
And your fuel running low
Fly into the cave
To dim the eye's glow.
The mission complete
Both stages at end
A new rescue mission
Starts all over again!
Cries of "Help! Help!" come wafting up
from the planet Opthamalia. Your crew is
stranded in the Valley of the Leepers!
The dreaded Lunar Leepers are
omnivorous: they eat anything that
moves! The creatures are distinguished
by two long rubbery legs, a single eye
and a massive green beak. Since they
can munch a whole spaceship with ease,
just think how frightened your crew must
Use the joystick to direct movements up,
down, left, right. Allow for inertia in
avoiding Leepers.
Button fires left and right in the
direction of movement.
[F1] To Start/Restart Game
[F3] To Pause Game
[F7] To Select Game Level 1-7
When you spot one of your crew below in
the Valley of the Leepers, swoop down
and carry him to the safety of the
cliffs on either side of the valley. You
can shoot the deadly Leepers as you go,
or leave them to acquire bonus points
A refueling station will appear at the
base of each cliff when you begin to run
low on fuel. If you allow your supply to
run out your ship will crash.
Your ship is highly maneuverable, but it
has no brake! Only with careful steering
can you avoid those ever-hungry Leepers!
When all your men are either rescued or
killed, or when you have killed all the
Leepers, the second scene will begin.
You are deep in an Opthamalian cave,
searching for the giant eyeball at the
end of the tunnel. It is guarded by the
trabants, which must be destroyed. Watch
out for the lasers! Time is limited for
this second mission, since there is no
refueling station inside the cave.
Scene 1
saving man 1700
shooting Leeper 20
Leepers left 1000
man shot -300
man eaten -1000
Scene 2
shooting trabant 20
shooting eyeball 8000 (Level 0)
to 64000 (Level 7)
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)