Mike Mech 2
platform game for Commodore 64, 2025

The game is set inside a cargo spaceship which, during one of the countless
journeys to transport minerals to the home planet Gravion, was invaded by
alien entities. The aim is to guide Mike, the on-board mechanic, inside the
various cargo holds (four in total) and activate all the levers present in
The player has the option to move through the rooms by jumping from platform
to platform, using ladders, or riding elevators that move vertically or
horizontally. Sometimes there are portals through which the player can
teleport to another point in the room.
Mike has no defense against the aliens. The only way to complete the game is
therefore to avoid them so as not to lose a life. Even contact with the
cooling fans, present in some rooms, is fatal.
Along the way, Mike will come across some locked doors. To open these doors,
electronic keys will need to be collected.
Mike will also be able to access terminals, present in most of the rooms,
which show the layout of the ship and indicate the rooms in which all the
levers have been activated (green color) and those in which there are still
levers to activate (red color).
In the rooms there are also crystals which, if collected, increase the
player's score. For each crystal collected, the point value of the next one
increases by 10.
Once all the levers are activated, Mike will have to leave the cargo hold, and
a powerful microwave beam will pass through all the rooms disintegrating the
aliens. At that point, the player will move on to the next hold.
At 5000 points and every 15000 points thereafter, the player earns an extra
The player also has the option to practice with a single cargo hold, for a
maximum duration of 10 minutes, by selecting PRACTICE during the title
Joystick lever Move Mike
Fire button Jump
Joystick down Teleport / Access terminals
F7 Pause
F1 Stop game and return to title screen
F1 Reset ranking (while the top scores are displayed)
Joystick in port 2.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)