arcade game for Commodore 64, 1986

Use Control Port 2.
Help Mikie get the message to his Girlfriend. Join him in high-jumps
at school and outwit the Teacher, Maniac Janitor and Chef. Loads of
fun and excitement in this computer arcade game!
Move Mikie through the school by collecting all the hearts in each
section (Classroom, locker room, canteen, gymnazium and finally the
Each heart collected represents a letter in Mikie's message to his
girlfriend at the top of the screen and when the message is complete
he can move on to the next area.
There are two types of hearts to collect
(1) Single hearts - To be found on the floor and under stools. To
collect thses you must walk over them. (You can bump your classmates
off their seats to obtain the hearts with "HIP-ZAP").
(2) Triple hearts - Placed inside lockers and on the top of tables. To
collect these, face the hearts and press "SHOUT" (FIRE) three times.
N.B. Flashing hearts give bouns points.
When the message is complete and the bell rings Mikie can move on
through the door marked "OUT".
Now you must negotiate the hallway which is full of doors and suprises
and find the right entrance marked "IN" to continue. You have five
lives to begin with, but be careful as you are constantly being
hassled by those in charge, the Teachers, Chef and Maniac Janitor who
get very annoyed when they can't catch you!
the game is controlled by joystick only.
Fire Button = SHOUT
Fire plus Dirction = ZAP CONTROL
i.e for HIP-ZAPPING stand either to the left or right facing the stool
and keep pressing that direction until your school mate falls off his
On-screen scoring shows current score, lives, message status and what
room you are in. High-scroe is displayed at the end of the game.
Hearts 200 points
Hip-Zap 600 points
Chicken/Ball throw 200 points
Bonus hearts 1000 points
Kissing 100 points
Door-Trap 100 points
2000 Bonus points for each room completed.
Mystery bonuses too numerous (can you find them?)
You can stun your pursuer by taking Chicken or Basket Balls and
throwing them (in appropriate screens).
You may become "Stunned" by kissing and dancing girls or from the
Traps which lie behind some of the doors in the hallway.
Watch out for the Teacher, if he gets really mad he might throw his
false teeth at you!
On the 5th screen, in the schoolyard, you finally catch up with your
girlfriend and deliver the message. O.K.
You can pause for breath in the classroom by sitting on a vacant
stool... but not too long!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)