Mountie Mick's Death Ride
run and gun game for Commodore 64, 1987

The raid is on! The McClusky gang are
robbing the Trans-Canadian Express of a
large shipment of gold. Mick, the
intrepid Mountie, disturbs them and they
hightail it down the train. Mick must
run after them avoiding leaking tankers,
difficult loads, grenades, the darkness
of tunnels, loose moose and the gang's
hail of bullets. Can he do it in time or
will he have to resort to using the
secret lightweight body armour?
O.K. Mick (that's you), it's time to try
your luck on the iron horse - no soft
saddles on this one though. So button up
your jacket and prepare for the train
ride of the century.
Assuming you've read the backcover you
should already be lining up the McClusky
boys with your Smith and Wesson. So it's
time to load the game.
Right, so here you are on the roof of a
thundering great train with hosts of
baddies shooting at you. Sounds
difficult? It gets worse! Some of the
baddies have found granades, but never
fear, there are some lying around for
you as well.
Now Mick is a plump fellow and if he
goes and jumps on anyone they end up
flatter than a pancake.
There are two more problems as well. The
first is leaking gas tanks, one whiff
and you're a gonner. Don't panic - there
are gas masks around. Don't forget to
put them on when you see danger.
Secondly there are tunnels - and again
help is at hand in the form of a torch.
But conserve your batteries as they
don't last for ever.
Just to add to the fun, there are nine
trains travelling on this route and the
only way to catch with one is on a
handcar. This just so happens to be
pushed along in front of the train. Jump
on and start pumping, but don't trash
it, you should build up speed slowly!
Up : Jump
(pull up on the handcar)
Down : Down
(pull down on the handcar)
Right : Run to the right
Left : Run to the left
Fire : Bang! (what else...)
Down & Fire: Drop a grenade
T : Torch on/off
M : Music on/off
S : Suicide
Q : Quit game
G : Gas Mask on/off (each mask
can be used only once)
No joystick in the house?
UP = A
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)