P0 Snake
arcade-action game for Commodore 64, 2015

Holding down the fire button rotates the snake counter-clockwise, whereas
releasing the button rotates the snake clockwise. Alternating these two
basic movements allows the snake to be steered around the screen. As you eat
the dots (by passing over them), your snake will grow in length - but be
careful not to crash into your own tail!
There is also a wide variety of enemies, obstacles and movement-altering
terrains to discover, avoid and master. Luckily, the head is the only
vulnerable part of the snake - and you'll need to use this to your
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)