bicycling arcade game for Commodore 64, 1986

Use Control Port 2.
Pick up your old Push Bike, put on your peaked cap and imagine yourself
braving the streets of an American suburb. Only superb riding skills and a
steady throwing arm can get you through your seven day week of hilarious
Avoid cars, workmen, drunkards and lawnmowers all out to obstruct you in your
pursuit of excellence. Score points by delivering to all your usual
customers, but you can get sneaky bonuses by breaking the windows of
It's a difficult task but your employer believes that practice makes perfect
and generously provides a practice track where you can score valuable extra
points. Get ready for the ride of your life.
You are the Paperboy and must deliver the newspaper to your customers on a
daily basis. Being set in the USA, this entails riding your bike down a
different street every day, throwing newspapers into the mailboxes or onto
the doorsteps of your subscribers. If a person doesn't get his paper, he'll
cancel his subscription - and no subscriptions means no job!
Papers can be handy for other things though.... There are various obstacles in
your way which will try to knock you off you bike. A well-aimed newspaper
makes a handy weapon against these hazards!
Also, there's no harm in encouraging people who don't subscribe to your paper
to think again about their decision - whack a few papers through their
windows for extra points! And while you're at it, why not aim a few at their
bird tables and dustbins?
Or ride your bike over their flower beds? Mind you don't run out of papers
though! You can only carry ten at a time, but supplies are left at various
points along your route for you to pick up.
You are given a number of lives to complete as many days as possible. You lose
a life if anything knocks you off your bike, but the game will end
immediately should you run out of subscribers! Get to the end of the day and
you can complete an assault course for extra points!
You can tell which houses are subscribers and which aren't without remembering
them from the map at the start of the level. Houses which are subscribers
look light, and houses which aren't subscribers look dark. Check out the
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)