Power Drift
arcade car racing game for Commodore 64, 1990

It's fast . . . it's furious . . . it's POWER DRIFT!
Choose from twelve wacky drivers, like Jason the Skinhead or Jeronimo
the Mohican and rev your way through 27 stomach churning circuits!
Watch the dust fly and the wheels spin as you screech over a 'roller
coaster' track and wave goodbye to your opponents! Roar over mounds of
mud, drive through the desert, slip 'n' slide on snow covered tarmac
and race your way through the night to face the final lap!
Joystick (only)
<-- -- Left
--> -- Right
| -- Accelerate
\|/ -- Brake
SPACE BAR -- To pause (toggle)
FIRE Button -- Gear Change
NOTE: This game is not a multi-load, so once this game is loaded no
other tape/disc access will be necessary!
To choose which course you wish to play, use the left, right & gear
change controls of your currently selected control option. The 12
different drivers can be selected by pressing gear change as the
cycling indicator passes the desired driver. This will select the
driver and course simultaneously.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)