Realm of Impossibility
isometric action game for Commodore 64, 1984

At first things were just creepy.
Then they got totally weird.
Running from zombies, snakes, giant
spiders and packs of ugly, vicious
little round things is tough enough when
the dungeons are just mean. But some of
these dungeons go way past mean, into
the realm of the totally outrageous.
A friend can help, and chances are
you'll need all the help you can get
to make it all the way to the deepest
part of the dankest dungeon.
* 13 dungeons.
* 129 different rooms.
* Dramatic graphics and fast action.
* 4 levels of difficulty.
Easy to severe.
* Challenging single player mode.
* A unique two player cooperative mode
that's downright funny as well as fun.
Scenes of the game
The Abyss. As in abysmal, a good
description of your chances of getting
the Freeze Spell scroll down those
stairs in the center. The assorted
vermin on top sure hope you'll try.
Cornered in the Crown Room in the
Stygian Crypts. Now if you only had a
Freeze Spell, or maybe a Protect Spell,
or even a Confuse Spell... Anything to
get out of here alive.
About midway through Tartarus. The
scroll on the left can keep you alive
longer. The snakes on the right don't
think that's such a hot idea.
They'd rather see you dead.
Spiders seem to like Abaddon. Question
is, how do you feel about spiders?
Ugly, mean spiders who can't wait to
dance around your crumpled little
body. Nice guys, spiders.
With the title screen displayed, press
"F5" to choose 1 or 2 player games,
and "F3" to choose the level of
The bottom line of the screen shows
the current settings.
Press "SPACE" to read the in
game documentation.
Player one uses a joystick in port 1,
player two uses a joystick in port 2.
Press "F7" or the joystick button to
begin the game.
Use the joystick to move the arrow
pointer to the dungeon you want, and
press the joystick button to begin the
game at the chosen level.
To pause and unpause, press "RUN/STOP"
during the game, to exit a game and
return to the title screen, press "F7".
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)