Rick Dangerous II
platformer adventure game for Commodore 64, 1990

Back in a Flash and as fearless as ever!
Rick Dangerous, intrepid Super Hero and part-time stamp collector is back
after having tackled the Fat Man in his first great adventure. T The Fat Man
has returned and Rick must once again do battle to save the Earth from
villainous aliens. If he survives the first part of the mission in the space
ship at Hyde Park, London, Rick will face new hazards in the Ice Caverns of
Freezia, the Forests of Vegetablia, the Atomic Mud Mines and, finally,
confront the Fat Man at his headquarters on the planet Barf.
These may be dropped in order to trigger traps, blow away walls, enemies and
generally do lots of damage, allowing our hero to continue his quest. Being
very dangerous, Rick must get away from them if he is to avoid being blown
up! These have the added advantage of being able to be slid by Rick across
the floor and over ledges.
Rick has his two fists, guaranteed to momentarily stun any enemy. He can also
punch switches on walls to trigger lifts, open traps doors and switch off
To avoid traps be resourceful. The traps are devious. Rick may need a punch,
ray gun, electronic detonator or simply his wits to survive, depending on the
nature of the trap. There are no instructions as to how each trap is
tirggered or avoided so be careful and think ahead. Things are not always as
they seem...
...this fires laser bolts!
There is a limit to the number of shots the gun holds. There will be the
occasional container that Rick can pick up, enabling him to replenish his
supply. Use the ammunition wisely. Remember that the ray gun can be used to
activate some traps as well as to shoot the enemy.
Occasionally, Rick will come across an Anti Gravity Bike Park. Rick can then
jump on an Anti Gravity Bike and float around the corridors, avoiding traps
on the way. The Anti Gravity Bike is equipped with a forward firing laser
cannon with which Rick can despatch aliens and trigger traps.
One last thing... Once he manages to complete a level, Rick's supply of laser
bolts and electronic detonators will be automatically replenished and Rick
will gain an extra life before starting the next level.
Without Fire Button Pressed
Climb up
Jump up
Jump up Left ___ || ___ Jump up Right
|\ || /|
| \\ || // |
\\ || //
\\ || //
\\ || //
/ \\||// \
/--------------- ---------------\
Walk Left \--------------- ---------------/ Walk Right
\ //||\\ /
// || \\
// || \\
// || \\
| // || \\ |
|/ || \|
Crawl Left ¬¬¬ || ¬¬¬ Crawl Right
Climb down
With fire button pressed
Shoot Ray Gun
/ || \
/--------------- ---------------\
Punch \--------------- ---------------/ Punch
\ //||\\ /
// || \\
// || \\
// || \\
| // || \\ |
|/ || \|
Arm and Slide ¬¬¬ || ¬¬¬ Arm and Slide
Drop Detonator
Pause On/Off.........................Run/Stop
Quit to Start...............................Q
NOTE: All other controls are through joystick.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)