River Barrage
shoot'em up game for Commodore 64, 2024

This is a game for 1 or 2 players.
Player 1 controls agent 1, in a white
boat. The boat is armed with a long
distance rifle which can only fire
Player 2 controls agent 2, in a yellow
boat. The boat is armed with a missile
launcher, which can fire directional.
A terrorist ring leader has captured a
National Park, and has sent his hench
people to drop mines into the river.
He is plotting to destroy a dam which
is there to protect neighbouring
villages from being flooded. What used
to be a large beautiful natural
tourist attraction has been transformed
into a deadly war zone. Sightings of
the leader has been spotted inside a
blue plane - heading towards the dam.
He must be stopped!
Your mission is to guide your boat
through the National Park and find the
terrorist ring leader's plane. You will
not be alone because you will have to
fight his hench army with your own
firepower. The enemy forces are based
on ground, air and water. Some enemies
will require more than one hit before
they are destroyed. Some other enemies
will target your boat before engaging
During your travel, you will encounter
various obstacles. Some of which must
be avoided, and others which can be
shot. These include mines. Floating
mines can be shot, the underwater mines
dropped by grey military boats cannot
be shot. You should avoid running your
boat onto the mines, otherwise a life
will be lost. Other deadly obstacles,
which can be shot include bridges and
hungry crocodiles. Mind you, we would
not want one of those reptiles to
clamber on board your boat do we?
Rescue swimmers who are stuck in the
water. For every swimmer rescued, you
will be awarded 1,000 points.
Pick up life rings for 2,000 points.
The higher the score.
Extra lives are awarded for every
10,000 points reached. Unless of
course, you already have 9 lives in the
lives counter.
Can you help save the dam (and its
neighbouring villages) from being
destroyed before it is too late?
Good luck agents!
Use joystick in either port.
Run/Stop: Pause game
Q (While paused): Abort game and go
back to the title screen.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)