Rocket Ball
Sport game for Commodore 64, 1985

Use Control Port 1 and 2.
ROCKETBALL is a thrilling game of skill, expertise and outstanding realism.
The action takes place on the circular rocket-ball track, where two roller
skated teams of five players battle it out in a no holds barred goalscoring
contest. Rules are virtually non-existant. The game is played in an
anti-clockwise direction, and lasts 10 minutes. In the event of a draw, two
minutes extra time will be played repeatedly until one team is victorious.
ROCKETBALL presents the ultimate in 2 player participation games, whilst in
its 1 player mode it demands the highest possible skill and dexterity from
its opponent. However, the less skilled players can learn to master the
techniques by starting on the easier levels.
Various options can be selected whilst the title screen is displayed.
You can choose from four teams.- HOUSTON (blue), MOSCOW (magenta),
MADRID (green) and TOKYO (yellow).
Function Keys F1 and F3
Press F1 repeatedly until your chosen team (joystick port 1) is displayed, and
F3 until your chosen team 2 (joystick port 2) is displayed.
Function Key F5
Press this key repeatedly to select 1 or 2 player game or skill levels. On the
one player game these are indicated on the players arms, 11 is the easiest,
66 the hardest.
Function Key F7
Press this key repeatedly to change border colours.
PRESS RUN/STOP AND RESTORE KEYS to exit current game and return to title page.
Playing the Game
You directly control one of your team players with your joystick at any one
time. This player will appear in a lighter shade of the teams colour
The joystick is used to control these players as follows:
Move player up track
Player jumps
Speeds player up
Throws ball down track to pass/punch player left
Slows player down
Throws ball towards goal/passes up track/punch player right
Moves player down track
Player squats or moves to pick ball up
RAPID movement of joystick will speed up acceleration or deceleration.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)