Formula One racing game for Commodore 64, 1985

Use Control Port 1 and 2.
The SCALEXTRIC program is an exciting two-part game for one or two players
combininn both circuit design and race simulation features. The program
provides the players with the thrill and challenge of racing on 17 pre-set
simulated Formula 1 tracks - both against each other or against the lap
timer. Circuits are easily designed using an icon-driven design utility and
original circuits may be preserved for future games by saving to disk or
tape. Each player has a "heads-up" 3D view of the approaching race track and
a plan showing the car´s position relative to the whole circuit. An appendix
below shows the relative sizes and shapes of different types of track
sections, and a list of Formula 1 tracks included in the program.
4.49 * Straight A
4 * Straight B
2 * Straight C
1 * Straight D
1 * In/Out Chicane
1 * Skid Chicane
2 * Short Chicane
8 * Outer
4 * Standard
8 * Half Standard
2 * Double Inner
4 * Inner
8 * Half Inner
4 * Curved Chicane
3 * Banked
Rio Brazil
Paul Ricard
Brands Hatch
The first operation in the design stage is to position the start/finish
straight. A large cross in the centre of the screen marks the current
position of the start. Move the cross to the desired position by using the
The start/finish can be either Vertical or Horizontal, just press the letter
[V] or[H] as appropriate. The track piece will be drawn on the screen.
You may now use the CURSOR CONTROL KEYS, or a JOYSTICK in PORT 2 to select the
next piece to be added onto the track. The available pieces are shown at the
top of the screen, and the arrow will move to any desired piece.
To select a particular piece, position the arrow and press [RETURN] or
[FIRE BUTTON]. The piece chosen will be added to the track on the screen and
also highlighted at the top of the screen. If you wish to use the same piece
again, simply press [RETURN] or[FIRE BUTTON].
To close a circuit, you must link up with the start/finish straight. This is
achieved by adding track pieces until the last piece in the circuit is facing
the start/finish straight and in the same direction (it may slightly overlap
or be off-centre).
At this point press [F7] and the program will close the circuit. If you are
close enough the program can actually fill in the gaps for you. It is easy to
correct any errors - press [F3] and the last piece placed on the track will
be lifted.
You have an unlimited number of pieces to play around with, subject only to
the space available on the screen and a few simple rules:
1. Banked curves should be used only in groups of three.
2. Although you may ´criss-cross´ in the design, you cannot make a full circle
without any straights.
3. Chicanes can only be added to other chicane pieces, and only the in/out
chicane piece can start and end a chicane.
At any time, you may cancel the design by pressing [F1], this will return you
to the start of the prompts.
Once the circuit is closed, you are able to save it for future games. The
program prompts with [SAVE TRACK ?] and you may keep it on disk or tape.
Press [F5] after the circuit has been successfully closed to go on to the
race section. The [F1] and [F5] options are flashed to let you know that it
is now time to race!
You must now select the length of the race in laps - type in a number between
1 and 99 and press [RETURN]. If player 2 is acomputer driver, you wil be
asked for the OPPOSITION QUALITY - enter a number between 1 and 3, where 1 is
the least skilled driver. The race-track appears with both cars positioned on
the grid and waiting for the flag to drop.
Player 1 controls the red car with the track ahead in 3D in the centre screen
window and the bottom left plan view. This player´s name, speed and lap time
are shown in the bottom left sceeen area.
Similarly, player 2 controls the yellow car with the track ahead in 3D in the
top screen window and the bottom right plan view.
If the cars are close enough, they can appear in one or both screens. The
position of each car in the track is shown on the appropriate plan view of
the circuit as a small square.
Once the flag drops the race is on! To start moving, accelerate and press
[FIRE] on the joystick, or [LEFT] and [RIGHT] on the keyboard. In two player
mode, both players can use either joystick or keyboard, or any one of four
joystick/keyboard combinations.
Player 1 Joystick Port two.
Player 2 Joystick Port one.
Joystick forward - Accelerate.
Joystick back - Brake.
Joystick left - Move Left.
Joystick right - Move Right.
Player 1 (left side):
D - Accelerate.
X - Brake.
SHIFT - Move Left.
Z - Move Right.
Player 1 (left side):
: - Accelerate.
/ - Brake.
> - Move Right.
There are 4 types of curve - OUTER, STANDARD, INNER and BANKED. They present
different pictures to the driver and the car acts differently on each type.
The sharper the curve, the greater the centrifugal force exerted on the car,
the lower the maximum speed at which you may go round without skidding. The
banked curve allows a higher speed than a normal curve!
Once you start skidding, there is a pronounced ´skid´ sound and the car will
drift outwards on the curve. You may stop the skid by braking sufficiently.
If you allow the skid to presist so that you run onto the grass verge, the
car will slow down drastically and you can´t get back onto the track until
your speed is down to approximately 50 miles per hour!
In a crash, the car approaching from behind is always destroyed and that
player loses the race immediately! However, if the relative speed of the 2
vehicles is less than 20 miles per hour, the car in front will be pushed
along by the car behind. If the vehicles have drawn level, one car may shove
the other sideways in order to pass or simply distract the other driver. This
does not cause a crash!
The chicane is only wide enough to accept one car - you must enter the chicane
with your car approximately centered on the white lines or suffer a partial
skid on the grass verge. This may slow you down considerably. If both cars
try to enter a chicane simultaneously, then one or both may suffer!
These are highlighted after each lap and held on the screen for a short period
before resetting - it is useful to check the other player´s time as well as
your own. At any time, you may abort the race by pressing [F3] and restart
the race, or change the circuit.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)