arcade formula one racing game for Commodore 64, 1992

Go wheel to wheel against the world´s most famous race teams.
Race the entire Grand Prix season from your arm chair. Also
includes two player simultaneous play option. Formula one racing
at its very best. Compete in the Super Prix racing in a
championship that spans the world. Join McLaren, Williams,
Ferrari, Benetton, Lotus and Brabham, in an entire race season
from the comfort of your own living room. Travel to all of the
glamorous locations. From the twists and turns of the Monte Carlo
streets, to the enduring accelerating straights of Brazil.
Challenge other drivers then qualify for grid position just like
the real thing. For true test of reflexes challenge your mates
in the new simulataneous two player action, head to head, wheel
to wheel play off.
A simulation of truly global proportions with awesome game play
to match! Start the game by completing the track on your own.
The faster lap times give you better pole positioning. At this
point, you may challenge other drivers. If you beat them in the
proper race, you can have their car. Complete the race, and you
will get points that will add up to the world championship score.
Points for the championship: 10 for a win, 6 for second, 4 for
third. 3 for fourth, 2 for fifth and 1 for sixth.
Slicks is joystick controlled only.
One player game: Joystick in port two.
Two player game: Joystick in both ports.
[FIRE] - Accelerate
[DOWN] - Decelerate
[LEFT] - Turn left
[RIGHT] - Turn right
Top right of the screen: Here you see your current position in
a race when passing the finish line (big number). Here you also
see the position of the driver who has challenged you or who
you have challenged when he passes the finish line (small number).
Bottom right of the screen: Here you see your current speed.
Bottom middle of the screen: Here you see the number of laps
driven already and the number of laps remaining.
Bottom left of the screen: Here you see your current lap time and
your best lap time on the current circuit below it.
Rest of the screen: Here you see the circuit and the action going
Forget about almost everything written above, here you only need
the display at the bottom right of the screen. Each player starts
with a five points displayed in his car colour. Whenever any
player manages to "escape" from the screen he will get one point
added while the other player gets one point reduced. However, if
a player does not have one single point at all anymore, the other
one has won the two player challenge.
* If you are a beginner, challenge one car after the other in
little steps.
* Carefully watch the other drivers qualifying times and then
decide whom to challenge.
* If you manage to accelerate for a long enough time
(approximatley for three quarters of one lap) without any
interruptions, the top speed of your current car will increase
by one mile per hour. Next time it will again increase by one
m.p.h. and so on. Warning! This only works if you never release
the fire button, never hit any obstacle or any other car!
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)