Suicide Strike
shoot'em up game for Commodore 64, 1984

F1 - Start and restart game.
F3 - Freeze the action. (Press again to resume play).
Although a scoring system may seem like excess baggage on a suicide
mission, we've included one anyway.Refer to the title page for
1.Movement of the joystick.
Left: aircraft banks right
Right: decreases altitude
Backward: increases altitude
Forward (while depressing fire button):
increases flying speed
Backward (while depressing fire button):
decreases flying speed
In every conflict, there comes a time when an important military
target must be destroyed at all costs.
Unfortunately, since this target is so important, the people on the
other side have the same attitude about defending it. But since the
important target is still important, it still has to be destroyed. So
somebody has to try to do it anyway. This is the stuiff of which
novels and movies are made.
And now, a computer game.
As you set off for the target, you should be aware of two things. You
have only a limited amount of time to get to the target. You also have
a limited amount of fuel. The faster you fly, the more fuel you
They didn't call this game Suicide Strike for nothing.
The first wave of defenders you'll encounter consists of jet fighters.
(Actually it's several waves, but who's counting?)Shoot them down. All
of them. If you miss any-and you will, of course-they'll fly right
past you and disappear. Only to reappear a few seconds later in your
rear- view mirror.
(And you thought we just put it in for decoration.)
When this happens, move your tail. Because if one of the other guys
sits in your hot zone for mote than a moment, you'll get burned. Not
every fighter that appears in your mirror will be unfriendly, but it's
best not to spend a lot of time pondering.
Fight your way through the fighters and you'll be met by a hail of
helico pters and a swarm of surface-to-air missiles. And then, if you
haven't dissipated your fuel or your time, you'll come upon the
Just don't come upon the target too quickly. If you miss it, you'll
have trouble facing the folks back home.
As you can see, this game has all the right elements: Situation. Plot.
Excitement. Suspense. In fact, there's really only one thing missing.
An eight-by-ten of Errol Flynn.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)