The Addams Family
action platformer game for Commodore 64, 1992

Creepy, Kooky, Ooky, Spooky.
The Addams Family has been imprisoned!
Only Gomez can save the day by freeing his wife Morticia, his son Pugsley, his
daughter Wednesday, Granny, Lurch and Thing. He must search the Addams Family
Mansion, grounds and subterranean vaults and rescue them one by one. Strange
creatures and crazy monsters lurk around every corner and in every crevice
with only one thought in mind, "Stop Gomez!" Only his innate agility will aid
him as he leaps and bounds around the Mansion.
Status and Scoring
The status panel displays from left to right:
Stamina: Displays six hearts which shrink in size with time.
These can be replenished by collecting hearts.
When all the hearts have gone Gomez loses a life.
Lives: Displays the number of lives Gomez has remaining.
Score: Displays current score.
Keys: Each time Gomez collects one of the six different coloured keys
it will be displayed here.
Points are awarded for each character destroyed and each time a key, heart or
extra life icon is collected.
To rescue the six members of the Addams Family Gomez must explore the house,
its grounds and finally the subterranean labyrinth which is overrun by a
variety of ghouls, monsters and supernatural manifestations. Some of these
can be destroyed by jumping on top of them but others are to be avoided as
they are invulnerable and contact other than by a well aimed stamping means
trouble for Gomez!
To explore the house and its surroundings fully, Gomez will need to go through
the doors that are behind and in front of him. To go forward Gomez must stand
behind a foreground doorway and press "A", to go backward he must stand in
front of a background doorway and press "Q". (C64 push joystick up or down
Some of the doorways are blocked by coloured locked doors and to open them
Gomez must find the same coloured key. Once a coloured key has been collected
all doors of that colour will be opened.
Scattered throughout the game are many useful items such as extra life
trophies, stamina hearts and keys. To find and release the members of his
family Gomez will need to find the location of many of these.
Once Gomez has located a family member they will set him a survival test to
prove that he is not an imposter.
When all six members of the family have been rescued and their tests completed
they will all be able to return to their abnormal lives!
Hints and Tips
- If a ledge seems out of reach try jumping from the head of a creature below it.
- Don't try rushing through an area of evil creatures as their tortuous movement
may take some thought to overcome.
- Try not to collect stamina hearts unless you really need them - you may
need them later.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)