The End of the World
two player strategy game for Commodore 64, 2024

When the big bang is followed by a second earthquake and the sky spews dust
and stones - when the flowers lie without life on the hot earth, then the end
of the world is near, then it is the twilight of the world.
The game is played by 2 human players with 2 joysticks who can move a cursor
across the board.
The creatures can be moved with the joystick button. The left shift key
(Robert Ungar) and the Commodore button (Dr. Coypu) activate a destroyer in
the cursor field.
Some creatures change the landscape when they walk through it. They build
bridges, forests or create poison fields.
Battles are fought by running around, with a points system deciding whether a
creature kills or dies.
(C) 2024 by Frank Abbing
moorefield; june 5; 1997
dr. coypu; who is taking part in a
temporal experiment; is transported to
a distant future by mistake: the place
and date of the involuntary journey can
be determined: the experiment is
lancaster; november 16; 2006
another time experiment is to clarify
what exactly happened during the
previous one. the attempt to send
someone to the year 6003 to retrieve
the missing dr.coypu fails for unknown
lancaster; july 12; 2009
a strange time barrier is located
between the years 5911 and 6011 is
localized. Temporal travel to this time
is impossible.
lancaster; september 16; 2011
the timebase is attacked by a
terrifying creature that seems to come
out of nowhere. before it can do any
damage; it is destroyed. dr.
brainman believes the creature came
from the future:
washington; april 2; 2017
captain harker is transported to the
year 6012. when he is brought back from
the year 6013; he is stricken with
madness and half-dead. The events are
revealed through his recorded report@
dr. coypu is alive. he is addicted to
megalomania and has a way of traveling
through time. he wants to rule the
world and uses terrible creatures of
unknown origin for this purpose.
if he is not stopped soon; he will
travel through time to our present.
he will bring his creatures with him
to destroy the world. stop him; before
he reduces the earth to rubble:
washington; march 8; 2024
six special men are sent through time
to the year 6012. however; a defective
rom component triggers a chain reaction
that ends in the destruction of the
temporal jumper. only one man; robert
ungar; makes it to the year 6012.
the rest are hurled into infinity.
robert ungar is the last man who can
save the earth:
in the game one of the players takes on
the role of robert ungar. here he must
try to defeat the creatures of
dr.coypu. in order to accomplish this
task; he has also managed to get an
army of mutants under his control.
in the different worlds; you will
encounter various landscape zones@
grass; forest; water; stone; mountain;
bridge; rift and poisoned land.
all creatures can enter the grass
all creatures can enter the forest.
whoever stands in the forest is
invisible and hidden:
only wet tormentors and worker can walk
through water. it is an obstacle for
other creatures. the builders build
bridges across it when they cross it to
the north or south.
no creatures can enter these fields.
old tormentors are the only creatures
that can move in the mountains.
all creatures can enter the bridges
no creatures can enter these fields.
but the builders build bridges across
it when they cross it to the north or
poisoned land
extremely dangerous area. anyone who
walks there while the ground is moving
will be crushed immediately.
in the different worlds you will
encounter different creatures@ builder;
destroyer; digger; dirty one; guardian;
tormentor; old tormentor; wet tormentor
and worker.
there are basically three types of
different creatures@
those that can fight. those that can
change their environment and those that
can do both or neither. you can see how
strongly a character fights when you
move the creature. there are strength
points from 1 to 7.
fights weakly; 1 strength point. but
builds important bridges over water and
rifts and thus creates access to
other areas.
dangerous creature; 3 power points.
destroyers can be made angry. when the
left shift>commodore key is pressed; it
races off towards the enemy until it
hits an obstacle. on the way; it kills
everything; with 7 strength points;
including guardians.
fights weakly; 1 strength point.
but can open rifts and seal off open
areas quickly.
dirty one
strange creature. fights with only 2
strength points; but creates poisoned
land if it runs east or west.
an enigmatic creature with 6 strength
points. this makes it almost
untouchable; except by angry
destroyers. however; the guardians
never fight and can therefore only be
used as living barricades.
strong fighters with 5 strength points.
old tormentor
good fighters with 4 strength points;
who are the only creatures that can
enter the mountains
wet tormentor
good fighters with 4 strength points
who can enter water areas
fights weakly; 1 strength point. but
creates water barriers when running
east and west to seal off fast areas.
the game is played by 2 human players
with 2 joysticks who can move a cursor
across the playing field. creatures can
be moved using the joystick button.
the left shift and commodore keys
activate a destroyer within the cursor.
the aim of the game is to defeat at
least 75 percent of your opponent's
creatures. [ESC] cancels the game.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)