The Master of Magic
action RPG for Commodore 64, 1985

Whilst exploring underground caverns you chance upon a deep
black pool. A ripple in the mirror-smooth surface draws you
closer to the edge - a powerful hand slides out and swiftly
drags you under! It is the hand of Thelric, master of magic,
plunging you into his strange mythical world of magic and
It is written in the book of magic that only Thelric has the
knowledge which blends time and space into a powerful spell.
He will not cast this spell to return you to your own world
until you retrieve for him the lost amulet of immortality,
without it he will age and die.
He teaches you some useful spells, then you embark on your
dangerous quest...
Joystick in port two, or keys H=up, B=down, CBM-key=left,
SHIFT=right, SPACE=fire.
Demonstration mode runs automatically. To start the game press
fire or space. Press M for music on/off.
How To Control The Game
When the game has been loaded, after the message has finished
scrolling, it will automatically go to a demonstration mode.
The demo gives you some idea of how to play - but there are
many other creatures and objects which don't appear in the
demo. To get out of the demo, press fire/space. When the game
starts, a menu is displayed across the middle of the screen.
This shows your options, the flashing cursor is on 'run'.
The cursor can be moved to other options using joystick or
keyboard. Once the cursor is on your chosen option, press
fire or space to execute.
Some options lead to other menus, you will be returned to the
main menu when the command has finished executing. As the game
progresses, other options will appear on the menu.
Remember, the Master of Magic deals in mystery and so some of
the messages might be misleading!
The Display
Watch the window at the top right - this tells you what is
happening. The window at the top left is an accurate
representation of everything you can see at each moment as you
progress through the corridors, caves, rooms, etc. You are shown
as the yellow circle in the center. It only displays what is in
your actual line of sight.
The display across the bottom shows graphical images of all the
creatures and objects which you come across. Whenever they are
in your vicinity they are displayed.
The status of your mind and body strength are shown at the top
right of the screen. At the very top right corner is displayed
a game time clock. Note that this stops when you are choosing
from the menu - so you have time to choose carefully.
To Play The Game
To move around the rooms, select 'run' from the menu. You can
move using joystick or keyboard. When you want to do something
else press Fire or Space, this will return you to the menu to
choose your next action. To open a door you must be directly in
front of it. To pick up an object you must appear to be on top
of it.
Selecting 'inventory' will show what you are carrying in each
hand and any items you are wearing, such as a backpack. You must
be aware of this as when you attack something you will use the
weapon in your right hand.
Using Magic
Basically there are three separate forms of magic which you can
use. These are drinking potions, wearing rings and casting
spells. You will have to find out what the different potions and
rings do, but this is how the spells you can cast work:
1) Magic Missile: Produces a fiery arrow which can be directed at
any live target in sight. It will cause serious damage to its
target if it hits but has a high chance of missing.
2) Fireball: Causes a 15 foot radius fireball to surround you
and burn anyone, except you, in the area.
3) Energy Drain: This may be directed at any creature in sight
and causes the instant loss of some of its body strength.
4) Magical Shield: This provides a shielding over your skin to
protect you from attack. It will last until it is uncast and
continually reduces your mind power.
Remember: Casting spells requires mind power!
Magical And Physical Combat
Every living creature, including you, has a body strength. If a
creature attacks another, it will either score a hit or a miss.
That means, it may or may not cause any damage. This is partly
luck, but is affected by how well the defender is protected and
how skilled the attacker is and by magical influence.
If a hit is scored, the defender's body strength will be reduced
depending on the weapon used and the strength of the attacker.
Once a monster is dead, you can pick up his possessions and use
Monster Habits
They are creatures of varying intelligence. Most are hostile.
They crave your meat to eat! They desire possessions. They guard
treasures. Some are easily scared. If they are chasing you and
lose sight of you they may decide to give up and go home.
However, some will go to the last place they saw you and search
that area for a while - others will seek you out for a long
Even when you cannot see them, they are always moving around.
Most patrol the area around their lair, but some wander forever
around caves and corridors. Many can open and close doors.
Thelric's Final Words
"Now you must find out the rest - a sharpened blade may not be
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)