UWOL - Quest for Money
platform game for Commodore 64, 2010

Uwol didn’t have enough after earning about the 90% of all the income which
resulted of selling retrovideogames in Spain and getting himself rich. Now he
wants to experience the adventures of his good old idols while he keeps
engrossing his bank account, ’cause that’s the very matter of his existence.
After gathering precious prizes following the steps of his favourite classic
videogame heroes (this is, the fire which doesn’t burn -which looks great in
the hall of his house-, the proton pistol with the proton charger, three
knickers from Gremla, the book of bills of Miner Willy, Wally’s pajamas, the
Sword of Power (just a copy, ’cause the real one is in use), heaps of Saimaza
coffee...), he learns that a mysterious and excentric millionaire, formerly a
thief, hides quite a big fortune in gold coins in a very old manor next to
Canutos Forest -the so-called Storm Palace. So he decides to emulate his idol
Goodie and steal them!
The problem is that it won’t be very easy… The cellar of Storm Palace are
quite deep and are full of nooks and crannies. Besides, the intrincate
disposition of rooms makes it very easy to get lost and go back to the
starting point. That’s what happened to Uwol: his greed made him to get
deeper and deeper into the manor so he got lost and trapped in the lowest
labyrinth, inhabited by Vampy, Franky, Fanty and Wolfy, who will try by all
means to make Uwol fail in his task.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)