puzzle game for Commodore 64, 2024

Vexed is a puzzle game in which the goal is to move similar blocks together,
causing them to disappear. To finish the level, remove all the blocks.
Move blocks by putting the select target on them and pressing the fire button
then moving to the left or right. If an empty space is encountered when
moved, the blocks will fall towards the bottom.
Scoring is based on a golf-like par concept. If the level is solved in the
same number of moves as the target, a score of 0, or par, is given for that
level. Note that the target may not be the most efficient one, is it is
possible to beat "par" and have a negative score.
Press C= to restart level.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)