shoot'em up game for Commodore 64, 1987

Use Control Port 2.
Aim of the game:
For many years, Wiz and his magical cat lived happily in brightly coloured
Wizworld. All was not well however as a malevolent force had discovered the
vista and intended to stamp out brilliance once and for all. The evil Zark and
his horrible sprites have moved in to eliminate the spectrum and render all
landscpes drab and grey. So jump in your transporter and with the help of your
faithful servant Catelite, restore Wizworld to its former glory.
Game play:
The landscapes in Wizworld are comprised of three colours each. Your task is to
restore the original colours by shooting the Red, Green and Blue colour bubbles
and then using Cat to collect the droplets of colour as they fall to the
ground. Droplets collected will be stored in the cauldron displayed at the
bottom of the screen, until such time as you have enough of each colour to make
the target colour displayed in the cauldron on the far bottom right of the
screen. In the three levels which have aliens on: one has red, one has green
and one has blue. It is therefore necessary to move between the three levels
using the tunnels to collect all three colours. To complete a level, you must
colour in the whole landscape. After each colour is collected there is a bonus
stage. After this, Wiz enters Wiz-Lab and is given a Wiz-Perk by his guardian
angel. You may select one weapon or control, which will be magically endowed up
on all subsequent Wizballs from birth, or opt for the bonus of 1000 points x
Wiz-Level number.
When certain aliens are killed they will deposit a green pearl which will
remain stationary on the screen. If Wizball passes over this pearl and picks it
up the first icon on the top of the screen will glow; this indicates that Wiz
has the option to select a feature representated on the icon. If you want to
select another feature collect more pearls until the icon you want is glowing.
Several icons have two possible functions. The icons are, from left to right:
1) Thrust - Gives Wiz more control over the Wizball and allows him to move
it left or right.
Antigrav - Gives Wiz total control over the Wizball and stops the bouncing
2) Beam - Gives Wiz supa-beam weapon.
Double - Gives Wiz and cat automatic two-directional firepower.
3) Catellite - Gives Wiz a cat fresh from training college.
4) Blazers - Gives Wiz and Cat super rapid fire blazers.
5) Wiz Spray - Gives Wiz mega spray protection.
Cat Spray - Does the same for Cat (but Wiz and Cat cannot have spray at the
same time).
6) Smart Bomb - Kills every sprite in sight.
7) Shields - Gives Wiz and Cat shields for a limited period only.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)