legendary action strategy game for Commodore 64, 1983

Run/stop pauses the game,
Q quits demo or a game.
F7 restarts the game after it is over.
the various fantastic creatures at your command are represented
by specific images - "icons" - stylized pictures of knights,
goblins, manticores, and the like. there are twenty icons - a
total of eight different kinds on each side, plus four
elementals (more on these later). none of yours are identical to
any of the icons on the other side.
archon is played on two screens. on one- the strategy screen -
you and your opponent take turns maneuvering your icons into
favorable positions. when you place an icon on a square already
occupied by one of your opponent's icons, the game shifts
temporarily to the second display, the combat arena.
in old fashioned and - admit it - somewhat dull board games
(chess, backgammon, and their ilk), the defending piece gets
removed quietly from the board, and the "attacker" wins the
"battle" - and the square - without a blow being struck.
in archon, we do not allow such docility, such rank defeatism
on the part of the defender. no! if you want that square, you
have to fight for it! when you try to occupy a square held by
the enemy, the disputed square expands to fill the entire
screen... and then, in the words of a certain orange skinned
monster of comic book fame, "it's clobberin' time!!!"
------ ------
|OOOO| |****|
|OOOO| = white square |****| = black square
------ (light side) ------ (dark side)
|....| = luminosity square PP = power point
------ (changing)
light side dark side
--------------- ----------------------
valkyrie archer manticore banshee
golem knight goblin troll
unicorn knight goblin basilisk
djinni knight goblin shapeshifter
wizard knight goblin sorceress
phoenix knight goblin dragon
unicorn knight goblin basilisk
golem knight goblin troll
valkyrie archer manticore banshee
archon's strategy screen changes. while some squares are always
white or always black, others - "luminance" - squares, as
shown above, vary in brightness throughout the game in a simple
pattern. black - dark - barely dark - barely light - light -
white and the reverse back and forth throughout the game, the
cycle continues, the luminance shifting after every other turn.
your fortunes in the game tend to ebb and flow with the
luminosity cycle. this is because icons of the light side are
harder to defeat on light squares than on dark ones.
consequently, dark side icons are stronger on dark squares and
weakest on white ones.
the five "power points" are indicated on the screen by flashing
red symbols. icons on power points heal faster than usual and
are protected from the effects of magic spells. if your icons
occupy all five power points, you win the game.
if the hollow square or "frame" is on your side, it's your turn.
use your joystick to move the frame atop the icon you wish to
want. once you push the button to confirm your choice, you must
move that icon somewhere. (if the icon has nowhere to go, the
computer won't let you "pick it up.") once you move the icon to
its destination, push the button again, and the obedient image
will stay in place.
movement comes in three flavors : ground, fly, and teleport.
ground movers cannot move through occupied squares. fliers are
restricted only in where they land. fliers can also move
diagonally; ground icons cannot. only the wizard and sorceress
can teleport, but for practical purposes you can think of them
as fliers in disguise. on any turn you can move an icon as far
as its range allows in any direction or combination of
directions. it can stop on any square not already occupied by
one of your own icons.
NOTE : if you change your mind while maneuvering a ground mover,
you must backtrack. otherwise, the computer, being very
literal-minded, will assume you are trying to extend your move
action in the combat arena is immediate and simultaneous; there
is no taking turns. joysticks direct movement of the icons.
pressing the button initiates an attack - swinging a sword,
firing an arrow, casting a fireball - in the direction the
joystick is pointed. you can attack in any of eight directions:
up, down, left, right, and the four diagonals.
IMPORTANT: your icon cannot move while the button is pressed.
combat is of three general types, knights and goblins are sword
swingers and club wielders; they must be very near to an
opponent to inflict damage. the banshee and phoenix inflict
damage in a circular area around themselves; the longer the
opposing icon is in that circle, the greater the damage it
sustains. such "area" attacks need not be aimed.
all the other icons "throw" missiles of some sort and can,
consequently, do damage from a considerable distance. see the
quick reference section for detailed information on attack speed
and damage.
while combat is fast and furious, you can't just fire away as
fast as your finger twitches. it takes a moment to raise a
sword into position to strike; longer to conjure even a fast
fireball; and the better part of two whole seconds(!) to rip
a boulder out of the ground and lift it high enough to throw.
pushing the button before your icon is ready to strike will
accomplish nothing except to keep your icon from moving.
at the exact instant you can launch another attack, the computer
rings a bell - a high note for the light side, a lower one for
the dark side - to let you know.
the obstacles or barriers in the arena go through luminosity
cycles of their own. be carefull; they can be as tricky as an
normally a barrier is impenetrable, however when its cycle
changes a barrier's luminance to exactly match the color of the
background, the barrier disappears... for a few seconds. you
can walk over it, shoot past it, anything. it's gone.
furthermore, for a few seconds before a barrier vanishes and
after it reappears, you can walk or fire a missile through it,
but you or the missile will be slowed down. if this seems at
all confusing, just remember the more solid a barrier "looks",
the more solid it is. if you have any doubts, avoid the barriers
entirely - and get out of the way of oncoming missiles.
the lifelines at either end of the arena indicate the current
lifespan (health/strength) of the two battling icons. when an
icon is wounded, its matching lifeline is reduced in proportion
to the severity of the wound. when its lifeline is gone, the
icon is "dead" and combat is over.
a victorious icon returns to the strategy screen in control of
the disputed square. however, a seriously wounded icon is easier
to defeat the next time it is forced to fight. even the
strongest icon can be worn down by waves of attackers.
on the strategy screen, wounded icons are healed slowly by the
simple passage of time; more quickly, by resting on a power
point; or instantly and completely by a "heal" spell.
magic is arguably the most significant strategic element in
archon. only two mages - the wizard and the sorceress - can
cast spells. and each mage can cast each spell only once.
while the spells are powerful, they have one drawback: each
spell weakens the mage casting it, leaving that mage
progressively less able to defend itself against direct attack.
a spell may be cast instead of a regular move on the strategy
screen. simply move the frame atop your mage, as if you were
going to move it, push the button and the usual message
appears. without moving the icon, however, just push the button
again, and you will get a new message "select your spell".
push the joystick up or down to survey the spells still
available, and the button when you find the one you want.
if further actions on your part are required, additional
messages will direct you appropriately.
remember that you can't conjure the same spell more than once,
and you can't cast a spell against icons on power points.
spell details are given below.
effect: this spell moves - teleports - one of your icons any
distance from one square on the strategy screen to another.
actions required: after selecting the spell, move the frame
to the icon you want; push the button; and then move the icon
to its destination - just as if it were a normal move.
restrictions: you cannot move an enemy icon. you cannot move
onto a square already occupied by one of you own icons, you
cannot teleport onto or off a power point. you cannot teleport
an imprisoned icon.
additional note: do not confuse this spell with a mage's normal
three square movement. that is a minor magic, on the same order
as casting fireballs, and is not bound by the restrictions of
the seven major spells.
effect: this spell instantly heals any icon of all wounds it has
sustained in the combat arena.
actions required: after selecting the spell, move the frame to
the wounded icon, and push the button.
restrictions: you cannot heal an icon resting on a power point.
you can heal an already healthy icon, but why bother?
***shift time
effect: two effects are possible. most often, the spell
reverses the flow of time: i.e. the direction of the luminosity
of the delta squares. squares that have been growing gradually
darker would now grow lighter - until the cycle peaked.
however, if the spell is cast when the luminosity cycle is at
either peak, shift time will cause the cycle to shift abruptly
to the opposite extreme.
actions required: none
restrictions: none
effect: this spell causes any two icons on the strategy screen
to trade places.
actions required: move the frame to one of the icons you wish to
transpose, and push the button, then do the same to the other
restrictions: neither icon can be imprisoned on a power point.
***summon elemental
effect: this spell allows you to attack an enemy icon with a
new, temporary icon representing one of the four elementals -
animated spirits of the ancient elements of earth, air, fire,
and water. combat is conducted in the combat arena as usual,
except the elemental vanishes after the battle, win or lose.
actions required: once the spell is selected and the elemental
appears on your side of the strategy screen, move it to the
icon you wish to attack. in the combat arena, direct the
elemental just as you would any other icon.
restrictions: you cannot attack an icon on a power point. you
cannot direct the elemental to a vacant square or one occupied
by one of your own icons. you cannot choose which elemental
will respond to your summons.
effect: this spell restores an icon previously lost (killed)
in combat.
actions required: the procedure is similar to a "teleport"
spell or a normal move, except that the revived icon comes from
a special display by the side of the strategy screen, and its
destination must be a vacant square next to the mage.
restrictions: you cannot "revive" an icon not already dead. one
of the initally five squares adjoining your mage must be vacant,
and you must put the revived icon on one of those vacant squares.
effect: this spell keeps an icon on the strategy screen from
leaving its square. the icon can fight its attackers in the
combat arena, but it cannot be moved off its square.
IMPORTANT: an imprisoned mage cannot cast spells!
imprisonment is temporary, a dark side icon would remain
imprisoned until the delta squares turn black; a light side
icon would be freed when the delta squares turn white.
actions required: once the spell is cast, move the frame to the
target icon and press the button.
restrictions: you cannot imprison an icon on a power point. you
cannot imprison any icon at a time when the luminosity cycle
would automatically free it.
***cease conjuring
this is not a spell; it is a way to avoid casting a spell if you
miscalculate, if you change your mind while selecting a spell,
or if the spell you want is unavailable or canceled, you may
push the button when "cease conjuring" is displayed. this will
allow you to start your turn over.
The Opposing Forces
1. the wizard
an ancient man of cast supernatural power, the wizard is the
leader of the light side. in battle the wizard casts
devastating balls of fire. he rarely ventures from the safety
of his home power point, however, and is more commonly used
to cast one of the seven spells.
movement : teleport - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : fireball attack force : great
attack speed : medium attack interval : average
lifespan : average number on side : 1
2. the unicorn
resembling a great white horse with the tail of a lion and a
sharp, spiral horn set on its brow, the unicorn is swift and
agile. the beautiful creature can fire a blinding bolt of
energy from its magical horn.
movement : ground - 4 speed : normal
attack mode : energy bolt attack force : moderate
attack speed : fast attack interval : short
lifespan : average number on side : 2
3. the archer
the archers are fearless amazon warriors of legendary skill
with their fine, whitewood bows. they are endowed with magical
quivers that can never be emptied.
movement : ground - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : arrow attack force : minor
attack speed : medium attack interval : average
lifespan : short number on side : 2
4. golem
a golem is an artificial being. shaped from stone and gleaming
metal, and animated by magic. roughly man shaped, it is huge,
twice the height of a man, its weapons are boulders ripped from
the earth and hurled with devastating force.
movement : ground - 3 speed : slow
attack mode : boulder attack force : great
attack speed : slow attack interval : long
lifespan : long number on side : 2
5. valkyries
are beauteous blond war maidens from the legions of valhalla.
each of these ferocious females is endowed with two great
magical gifts: first the ability to stride the air as if it
were solid ground; and second, an enchanted spear, which, when
thrown, returns to her hand of its own accord.
movement : fly - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : spear attack force : moderate
attack speed : slow attack interval : average
lifespan : average number on side : 2
6. djinni
the djinni is a magical being from another dimension, a plane of
tempest and storm. in form he is a huge, superbly muscled man
whose body is partly flesh and partly swirling currents of air.
a cousin to the wind itself, the djinni can raise a small
tornado with a gesture and control it with a thought.
movement : fly - 4 speed : normal
attack mode : whirlwind attack force : moderate
attack speed : medium attack interval : average
lifespan : long number on side : 1
7. phoenix
the phoenix is a flaming bird of immense size and power.
in battle it can explode into a seething mass of fire, scorching
everyone on the perimeter of the blaze, and burning severely
any ememy unfortunate enough to be caught near the incandescent
core. not only is the phoenix unscathed by its own flames,
but while undergoing its fiery metamorphosis, it cannot be
harmed by any attack known.
movement : fly - 5 speed : normal
attack mode : fiery explosion attack force : great
attack speed : slow attack interval : long
lifespan : long number on side : 1
8. knights
the knights are foot soldiers armed and armored against foes far
larger than themselves, although they cannot withstand more than
one blow from many of their enemies they need not be mere cannon
(or dragon) fodder. provided they are swift and clever, their
speed of attack gives them a chance to survive and triumph.
movement : ground - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : sword attack force : minor
attack speed : instant attack interval : very short
lifespan : short number on side : 7
1. sorceress
the equal of the wizard only in power, the eternally young and
ever beautiful sorceress is his counterpart in all ways. her
lightning bolts are swifter and surer than his fireballs, if a
shade less potent. fierce in battle but safest on the black
powerpoint, she is most often used to cast the seven spells.
movement : teleport - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : lightning bolt attack force : moderate
attack speed : fast attack interval : average
lifespan : average number on side : 1
2. basilisk
the basilisk is a small, crested reptile with the scaly body of
a lizard and the bulbous, glowing eyes of a gorgon. although it
is relativly short-lived, the beast's quick movements and
deadly glance make it a terrifying opponent.
movement : ground - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : eye beam attack force : great
attack speed : fast attack interval : short
lifespan : short number on side : 2
3. manticore
the manticore resembles a large golden lion with a human face and
a scorpion's thorny tail. this nasty appendage bristles with great
quills like spikes, which the fell beast can fling over its head
with surprising accuracy.
movement : ground - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : tail spikes attack force : minor
attack speed : slow attack interval : average
lifespan : average number on side : 2
4. troll
a dweller in caves and dark places, the misshappen troll is a
shambling giant, dull but strong, clumsy but hard to slay.
like the golem, it carries no ready made weapons; instead, it
seizes boulders, tree trunks - whatever comes to hand - and
catapults the massive objects at its enemies.
movement : ground - 3 speed : slow
attack mode : boulder attack force : great
attack speed : slow attack interval : long
lifespan : long number on side : 2
5. shapeshifter
the shapeshifter is a "doppleganger" (germanic term), a demonic
creature without true shape or form, save what it steals from
its enemies. in battle it becomes the mirror image of its
opponent, strongest on squares where its enemies are weakest,
turning the enemies powers against itself. it has no fixed
lifespan; all wounds that do not prove fatal will heal as soon
as it assumes a new form.
movement : fly - 5 speed : varies
attack mode : varies attack force : varies
attack speed : varies attack interval : varies
lifespan : unknown number on side : 1
6. dragon
the dragon, a monstrous, serpentine reptile, is without peer in
the combat arena. one bout of its flaming breath will kill many
creatures, and a second blast is almost always fatal. highly
mobile and very difficult to slay, its awesome powers make it
second in value only to the sorceress.
movement : fly - 4 speed : normal
attack mode : fiery breath attack force : very great
attack speed : medium attack interval : long
lifespan : very long number on side : 1
7. banhsee
the banshee is an undead spirit that feeds off the souls of her
opponents, a ghostly apparition that attacks with her keening
wail, draining the life from anyone in the range of the sound.
(the shaded area around her). prolonged exposure to the
terrifying shriek can be fatal.
movement : fly - 3 speed : normal
attack mode : scream attack force : moderate
attack speed : instant attack interval : long
lifespan : average number on side : 2
8. goblins
goblins are hideous dwarves, twisted of limb and misshappen of
feature, unfriendly and often violent. their mutual antagonism
is kept in check only by the powers of the sorceress. on dark
ground their knarled clubs are more than a match for the swords
of the knights, and if well directed they can bring down the
most potent of enemies.
PLAYING HINTS & Tips on Strategy
1. conservative opening
this involves moving your unfavorably placed icons onto more
favorable squares. (white squares for light icons, black squares
for dark icons). the idea is to establish a strong, balanced
position early on. since the corner icons (the valkyrie/banshee)
are mobile and especially vulnerable to magical attack (via
summon elemental or teleport spells), these are often the first
to be moved. being a ground mover, the unicorn/basilisk will be
stuck on the "wrong" square until you clear an escape route,
either directly by moving the knight/goblin in front of it or
indirectly, and more slowly, by moving other knights/goblins
and then adjacent icons in the back rank.
2. magical assault ("big juju" or "major mana" opening)
the aim is to wipe out the strongest enemy icon right off the bat,
before it can do any harm. this is most easily done with a
combination of spells: imprison, summon elemental, teleport, and,
if needed, reverse time. the first spell holds the victim
immobile while you attack with an elemental and then one of your
strongest icons teleported across the board. shift time may be
used to prevent the imprisoned icon from getting away before you
can finish it off.
3. monster romp
this is risky but fun, and sometimes surprisingly effective.
just fly or teleport one of your icons (the djinni/dragon or
phoenix/shapeshifter) to the other side of the board, and take
it on a rompin', stompin', tour of all the occupied squares
unfavorable to the icons stuck on them. this procedure tends to
throw new players into a panic, which is always helpfull.
more experienced players will either imprison the attacker or
counter with a monster romp of their own. rapid attrition on
both sides follows such a counter attack.
stay on your color! the effect of a squares luminance on the
life of your icons is large-often as much as 50%. attack on
unfavorable squares only if you have an overwhelming superiority
over the defending icon. plan ahead. most succesfull attacks
require more than one move to execute. before taking a square,
consider what you will do afterwards. what icon will continue
the assault if the first attacker dies?
avoid traffic jams, make openings in your front line for ground
movers to pass. the greater your forces mobility, the greater
its flexibility and strength.
protect your mage! the wizard/sorceress may be a tough hombre in
the combat area, but doom is nigh should you lose your mage early
in the game. since power points are immune to magic spells,it is
a wise idea to keep your wizard/sorceress "at home".
this spell is handy for tossing a slow moving or unfavorably
placed icon into your opponent's back rank to raise a ruckus.
alternatively, you can teleport a wounded icon out of danger.
never heal the shapeshifter! since it regenerates completely
between battles, the spell would be wasted.
shift time.
use this spell to prolong an imprisonment by reversing the flow
of time before the luminance cycle peaks, freeing the enemy
icon. conversely, especially if you are playing second, you can
free your own imprisoned icon early by casting the spell at the
opposing luminosity peak: in that case, the cycle will jump to
your peak, and your icon will be freed. a more strategic use of
this spell could allow you to make a concerted attack on the
power points and possibly win the game by keeping the luminance
an enemy advance can be frustrated temporarily by exchanging a
menacing intruder (e.g. an opposing dragon/djinni) in your
territory with a weaker icon (a goblin/knight) from your
opponent's rear ranks.
summon elemental.
since elementals are neutral beings, unaffected by changes in
luminance, they are well suited to attacking an annoying enemy
icon that remains on squares favorable to it. the spell is also
de rigueur against mages that venture from their home power point.
revive only strong icons, also avoid placing a revived icon on an
unfavorable square, or it may die again immediately.
the real trick with this spell is timing, coupled with shift
time, if neccessary, to prolong the effect. imprison a
threatening intruder to blunt an attack, or immobilize a strong
icon on a delta square; then attack when the luminocity cycle
is most favorable.
don't move in straight lines. monsters are tricky; you should be
too. dodge and weave. don't become predictable.
hit and run. don't just fire a shot and then sit there waiting
for a retaliatory strike. take your finger off the button
immediately after firing, and boogie on out of there! if you hit
something it can probably hit you.
use diagonal shots! although difficult to master, 45 degree angle
shots will improve your performance dramatically. few players
manage consistent diagonals.
trap your opponent in a corner. this is especially helpfull for
sloggers with, slow, easily dodged missiles and for the poor
infighters (knights/goblins).
feint! trick your opponent into attacking by moving into the line
of fire momentarily. then, in the interval before the enemy icon
can attack again, close in and loose your own attack.
confuse your opponent. when at close range, dodge back and forth
to keep from being nailed. this is especially important when you
cannot afford an exchange of blows and is vital for a
know your icons strengths and weaknesses. different icons require
different tactics - sometimes radically different - and the
nature of your immediate enemy should also effect your course of
avoid using the wizard in combat unless attacked. in a fight,
approach to mid range but no closer. stay in the open; fire
balls are easily stopped by barriers.
avoid combat if possible! the speed of her lightning bolts makes
the sorceress effective at long range. play defensively, and use
the barriers to trap an enemy long enough to zap it.
speed and distance are their prime weapons. never close,
especially if the opponent is in the open. try to use lines of
barriers as alleys for fire.
the archer's arrows are not fast, so she must get fairly close to
ensure a hit. slower targets of course allow greater range.
the advantages of these slow moving creatures are their long
lives and deadly attacks. (those boulders hurt!) since the rocks
travel slowly, the golem/troll must get close to the enemy. be
you have power to spare here, so be brazen in attack. avoid the
possible entanglements of cluttered terrain when fighting an
icon with a fast attack.
the valkyrie is basically a tougher archer with a more damaging
but slower-moving attack. use similar tactics.
get close - the closer, the better -. trap fast foes in corners.
avoid firing alleys, and use the explosive attack defensively
when neccessary to keep from being hit. never sit still when
the success of this icon is solely dependent on the proper
battleground. avoid white squares like the plague! ignore the
knights (why take chances on getting killed for such a small
prize?) attack strong icons on black or dark squares.
this beast has the advantage of a broader attack than its
counterparts, especially on diagonals. be bold against weak
opponents, but remain at mid-range when fighting more dangerous
the banshee requires - and rewards - great skill. she is worth
the extra effort needed. stay out of firing lanes until the
moment of attack; then come in from the side, where the area of
effect is greatest. release the joystick button immediately
after pressing it, and follow the opponent closely to prolong
the exposure to the scream. avoid the golem (sometimes known
as "the banshee's curse").
where these infighters are concerned, he who hesitates... is dog
food. move quickly but erratically. get in close and stay there!
dodge back and forth or circle your enemy to avoid return fire
and attack constantly. in a knight/goblin conflict, use feints
and stop thrusts. accept an exchange of blows only if you have
a significant luminosity advantage.
the four elements are quite different from one another. the earth
elemental should be played like a golem/troll, which it greatly
resembles. of the other three, fire has the fastest and most
damaging attack, and water the longest lifespan. tactically, you
can think of fire as a wizard, air as an archer, and water as a
manticore. regarless of which elemental you have, however, be
aggresive!!! remember that its wounds don't matter, since it
will outlast the battle, anyway.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)