Bird Mother
arcade game for Commodore 64, 1984

Use Control Port 2.
Bird Mother is a side view single screen game where you play the role of a
bird who has to raise a family of chicks in this three part game. You must
first build a nest to lay three eggs, feed the three chicks when they hatch
before helping them to fly. There are obstacles which need avoiding and if
you are hit then you lose one of three lives. All three parts have to be
completed before a timer reaches zero.
Nest Building: Twigs and other objects fall from the top of the screen and you
must fly around trying to catch one twig at a time while avoiding the other
objects. Once a twig is collected then you take it to a tree in the top left
and place it to build a nest. When the nest has been built then you lay your
eggs and play the next part when the eggs have hatched.
Chick Feeding Insects fly around the screen and you must once again fly around
the screen and catch them one at time. Once you have caught an insect then
you take it and place it in the mouth of one the chicks whose mouth is open.
If a chick has been fed then it keeps changing colour and once it has turned
white then it doesn't need feeding anymore. An old man walks on the bottom of
the screen and occasionally throws his walking stick up into the air and this
needs avoiding.
Flying: The chicks are now fully grown and ready to leave the nest. They
attempt to fly around the screen but slowly fall towards the ground. You must
keep bumping them upwards until they are able to fly themselves properly. A
hawk flies at the top of the screen so you have to be careful not to push the
birds too high or they will be taken away.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)