Jungle Hunt
arcade game for Commodore 64, 1983

Use Control Port 2.
To go immediately to game play, press the F1 key.
Press the F5 key to select the difficulty level. Each level can be
played by one or two players using the same joystick.
Press F3 to select a two-player game. Press F3 again to return to a
one-player game. Once you have chosen the options you desire, press
the F1 key to initiate play. Be careful not to press any other keys on
the keyboard once the game has begun or gameplay will be affected.
During the game, use your joystick to guide Sir Dashly through the
jungle's perils. Move Sir Dashly up, down, left or right. Pull back to
duck boulders and forward to jump higher over boulders and cannibals.
Joystick Button - Jump from rope to rope, thrust knife, jump over
boulders and leap over cannibals.
You and your travel companion were enjoying a leisurely jungle safari,
when suddenly you were attacked by two savage cannibals. They
spirited away your lady friend and plan to stew her up for dinner.
You'd better rescue her quickly or your sweetie will be supper!
Luckily, you have an idea where they've taken her. To reach her, you
must swing through an impassable jungle of ropes, swim through a
crocodile infested river, maneuver through a landslide of boulders,
and finally fight off the horde of savages wielding poisoned spears.
Your darling is suspended over a straming pot of bubbling broth, and
is steadily slipping into the drink.
When the hunt starts, your timer will count down from 5000. You must
reach your lady love before it runs out.
The forest will test your coordination and timing as you swing from
the dangling ropes and jump from one to the next.
Since some ropes swing faster than others, you'll have to time your
leaps carefully. Watch out, your jumps may be blocked by other
inhabitants of the trees. Just a hint - if you ever see a monkey on
the vine in front of you, jump to the next rope on the forward swing
to avoid being knocked down.
From the last of the trees, you jump into the crocodile infested
river. Once in the water, you must swim out of the way of the crocs or
fend them off with your knife. Press the "FIRE" button to stab them.
Keep an eye on the air gauge though, because if you run out of air
while under water, you lose a life. Just resurface to replenish your
air supply. Be careful of the bubbles! If you are caught in them your
travel to the surface will be delayed. When you reach the river bank,
the boulder field lies ahead.
As the rocks tumble toward you, jump over them, run beneath, or duck
under them to avoid being crushed. You can control your left or right
movement with the joystick, and leap into the ear by pressing the
"FIRE" button.
Once you've passed the boulders, you're finally in reach of your
companion, but she's being guarded by spear-wielding savages. You must
dodge the dancing cannibals by running left or right and jumping over
their spears. You finally leap up to your love for a tearful reunion.
If she's too high when you leap, you drop into the brew.
[Picture of Forest Scene]
Jumping to a rope ................. 100
[Picture of Water Scene]
Stabbing the upper crocodile
(mouth closed) .................. 100
(mouth partially open) .......... 200
Stabbing the lower crocodile
(mouth closed) .................. 200
(mouth partially open) .......... 300
[Picture of Rock Scene]
Running under a boulder ........... 50
Ducking under a boulder ........... 100
Jumping over a boulder ............ 200
[Picture of Native Scene]
Jumping over a cannibal ........... 100
Bonus life ........................ At 10,000 points
Rescuing Lady ..................... 3 x Timer Value
Each time you exit a section of
the jungle ........................ 500 points
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)