breakout game for Commodore 64, 1987

In contrast to Arkanoid or Breakout, the bat in Krakout is not at the lower,
but optionally at the left or the right border of the screen. Next to the
preferred side, you can also set other details in the menu. Music, sound,
effects and a scrolling background graphic can be switched on and off. The
starting speed of the ball is fixed by a number between 1 (slow-motion) and
6 (suicide). By pressing the fire button you can also switch to a second
speed for the bat during the game. In a game mode menu, you can change the
colours for all the sprites and call up special effects. E.g. the full screen
shakes with each bounce of the ball or to the beat of the music. There are
exactly 100 screens in krakout (you find 2200 on You cannot
pick each single screen, but you can play yourself easily to the further
screens, when setting an easy difficulty level. Next to the ball, bat and
bricks some strange sprites appear, that can have different effects. Some of
the friendly ones create a second ball into the game, destroy all stones or
let you jump a few screens. The less friendly ones freeze your bat or even
swallow the ball.
For additional diversification there are special stones, that are marked by a
letter. These special stones need to be hit with the ball and the effect
stays until you shoot another special stone.
- Glue. The ball sticks to the bat.
- Bomb. There is a massive explosion destroying adjacent blocks.
- Shield. Makes a barrier appear behind you.
- Missile. Gives you one missile to fire.
- Slow down. Slows the ball down slightly.
- Times two. Doubles scoring.
- Double bat. Gives you another bat in front of your present bat.
This gives some protection against Aliens.
- Extra man. Gives you an extra life.
- Expand. makes your bat expand.
Bombs the Blocks.
If this alien hits the bat it will freeze the bat.
When hit by the ball it flies away in the opposite direction destroying
all blocks in its way.
This alien will chase the ball and if it catch the ball, eat it.
Gives one of the following effects if collected with the bat:
Destroy all blocks, Shield or Extra life.
If it collides with a block both the block and the alien will be destroyed.
Will give you two balls if hit by the ball.
If hit by the bat it will enable you to skip a random number of levels.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)