Microprose Pro Soccer
football game for Commodore 64, 1988

Use Control Port 1 and 2.
Microprose Soccer player have a wide range of movements, accessed by joystick
commands with and without the FIRE button pressed. With the joystick button
un-pressed, the eight joystick position direct the player around the field
accordingly. The control method has three different modes of operation
depending upon wheather:
A) The ball is in free play.
B) Your player is in possession of the ball.
C) The opposition have the ball.
A) The ball is in free play.
Guide your player around the pitch in attempt to
capture the ball, using the normal joystick direction. The player
automatically gains possession of the ball on contact and runs with it until
possession is lost. If the FIRE button is depressed when the player makes
contact with the ball, it is volleyed a short distance in the direction faced
by the player.
B) Your player is in possession of the ball.
There are a variety of different
kicks available to the player, depending upon the position of the joystick
and the length of time the FIRE button is depressed. A short kick is achieved
by jabbing the FIRE button, while a full-strength kick is released
automatically by holding the FIRE button down.
Whenever FIRE is pressed, the joystick no longer controls the direction of the
player, but allows the choice of shot to be selected instead. To make a shot
press the FIRE button and immediately move the joystick to the desired
Joystick Forward:
Volleys the ball in straight line.
Joystick Left/Right Diagonal:
Banana shot. Causes the ball to curl left or right, accordingly.
Joystick Central:
Player performs a chip shot.
Joystick Back:
Player performs a brilliant Pele-style backwards overhead kick.
Note: The direction of shot is relative to the direction in which the player
was moving immediately before pressing the FIRE button. For example, with
your player moving in a south-west direction, a banana shot curling from left
to right is initiated by pressing the FIRE button & pulling the joystick
straight down.
C) The opposition have the ball.
If the opposition manage to get hold of the ball, you'll have to try and
tackle the player in possession. Whenever your player is close enough,
pressing FIRE causes him to attempt a sliding tackle. This only occurs when
your player is moving, however. If your player makes contact with the ball,
it is kicked into a free-play situation and can be collected; if the
challenge is unsuccessful, the opposing player merely retains possession.
Note: Attempting sliding tackles in the wet can have unpredictable results!
Whenever an opposing player approaches your goal, a buzzer sound can be
heard, signalling that you now have control over the goalkeeper. In this
case, different rules apply. Pressing the FIRE button causes the goalie to
dive for the ball as below:
Joystick Right
Goalie dives to the right.
Joystick Left
Goalie dives to the left.
Joystick Centred
Goalie jumps up in the air.
The goalie also has a higher priority in ball collection; any contact
with the ball gives him
possession over other players.
Pressing the button releases the ball in a diagonal direction only.
Throw-Ins may be directed in one of three direction: Diagonally left
and right plus forward.
Goal Kicks
Whenever the goalkeeper gains possession of the ball,
play is restarted by a goalkick from
the correct section of the goal area.
The kick is directed forwards only.
Kick Off
When play is first started, or restarted after half time or a goal, a press of
the FIRE button causes one player to tap the ball to the other, who then has
full control over the ball.
1st seed
West Germany
2nd seed
3rd seed
Northern Ireland
4th seed
New Zealand
The table also acts as an itinerary for the tournament, telling you which
matches are to be played that day, and so on. Whenever two non-human
controlled teams are drawn together, the final scores are simply displayed.
These are carefully calculated scores, weighted toward the team of greater
powerness. Continually pressing FIRE cycles through those matches that do not
require a human participant. Draws that do depend upon a human player
(either versus the computer or another player) are displayed accordingly on
the pending match screen. Play is then started in the normal way by selecting
the PLAY BALL option and pressing the FIRE button to start the match.
If during the tournament players with to change teams for political reasons
(i.e. they have been knocked out) or they wish to drop out of the tournament
(before they get knocked out) or they wish to enter the tournament after it
has started (they suddenly fancy their chances), then highlight RE-SELECT
TEAM rather than PLAY BALL. Players can then choose a nationality that is
still in the championships and not already selected by another player, or be
excluded altogether. Note: Players can only join the championships as a late
entry if their name is already in the name bank. The first round of the world
cup is completed when each team has played three games each. Progrss is
measured in points, each team receiving 2 for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for
lose. Goal difference is also calculated, enabling tied positions to be
settled without replays. The top two teams from each group then go through to
the second round. Additionally the four best third placed teams also enter
the second round. From now on the matches take the shape of a sudden death
competition. Draws are made at random, and the eight winning teams progress
to the quarter finals. The sudden death competition continues through the
semi finals and into the final; drawn matches at full time go into unlimited
overimte, with the first team to score being the winner.
[F1] - Swap joystick key. This will enable you to exchange teams
if one player accidentally controls the wrong team at the beginning
or after half time of the match.
[RUN/STOP] - Toggle pause mode on/off.
[Q] - Quit current game (only if paused).
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)