sport game for Commodore 64, 1987

Use Control Port 1 and 2.
The player can always control the team member who is nearest to the
ball. The currently activated man has a distinctive cap colour. As
long as the man is in motion, the player will not lose control of the
selected man, without respect the current distance from the ball. If
the currently activated man is stopped by the player, the program
will monitor the distance of each man from the ball and select again.
At the beginning of each quarter, the teams will swin for the ball,
and the ball will be obtained by the player who presses FIRE first.
If the selected man does not have the ball: 8 directions of the joystick:
turn and swim in the given direction.
If the FIRE BUTTON is pressed, then the man will raise the ball high
in the air and start to swing it. A shot can pnly be made from this
While swinging the ball, the player can define the shot parameters:
Joystick in the middle position: normal shot
Joystick pushed in the direction of the shot: increase shot power
(the shot will be low and powerfull).
Joystick pushed in the opposite direction: decrease shot power
(the shot will be higher but weaker).
Joystick pushed sideways (compared to the direction of the shot):
spin the ball in the given direction. The trajectory of the ball will
crescent-shaped, and the amount of "hook" or "slice" given to the ball
will be set according to the time how long the player holds the
joystick in the sideways position.
The player can combine power and spin adjustment by pressing the
joystick diagonally.
Release the FIRE BUTTON and press it agein rapidly. The man will throw
the ball in the direction and with the power set in the way described
Controlling the goalie:
The goalie will also be activated automatically by the program if the
game situation requires it. Controlling the goalie is similar to the
other man, except that if he has not got the ball, and the FIRE BUTTON
is pressed, he will raise his arms and throw himself in the direction
of the shot.
The rules are by and large identical to real-life waterpolo. Ther is
a chance to take the ball away from the opposing team's member, by
attacking him from the front 5 directions. If the opponent is inactive
(not swinging the ball in the air), the ball will change hands.
The three rear directions (back left, back and back right) are illegal
to attack from, and the referee will signal a foul if a player tries
Fouls, goals and quarter ends are indicated by the referee's whistle.
Attacking the goalie in front of the goal is also considered a foul.
Fouls are recorded individually for both team's members. After a man's
third foul, the referee will send him off (for 1.5 minutes or until the
next goal is scored by the opponent), and the opposing team will have
the ball. Team members only return to the pool after a goal, or when
the ball is out of the pool, or when a game quarter is over (so when
neither of the teams are in action).
A quarter lasts for 5 minutes, and the time for both teams to attack is
35 seconds. If the 35 seconds expires without a shot at the opponent's
goal, the other team will get the ball.
There is an instant replay when a goal is scored.
If any of the teams score 50 goals, the match ends - because there is
a suspicion of cheating.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue game
[F9] - quick load game state
[F12] - quick save game state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot (320x200)